FLTA 華語自學者繪本書出版

FLTA Storybook Series

21 Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant (FLTA) grantees collaborated with Professor Hui-Chen Hsiao from NTNU, Ministry of Education, and Fulbright Taiwan to publish the “FLTA Storybook Series” this summer consist of 12 picture books.

Mia Fulbright, the main character of the whole series, came to Taiwan for a year-long exchange. Following her journey, the reader will explore 12 Taiwan-related themes, including: Taking Hot Spring Baths on Cold Days (January), Worshiping the Chinese God of Love (February), Going to the Night Market (March), Weddings (April), Prides (May), Tea-Picking Fun (June), Traveling around the Island (July), The Fun of Kenting (August), Sky Lanterns (September), Food Frenzy (October), Tangyuan (November), and Celebrating New Year (December). Conversation, common expressions, practical usage, and cultural tips were also included in each book. The series will be a useful cultural teaching tool for Mandarin Chinese teachers as well as must-have picture books for Mandarin Chinese learners enriching their cultural literacy and providing a deeper understanding of Taiwan.

高久雅、林珮瑜、顏妙瑜、邱子玲、蔡純瑋、徐新瑜、蔡幸珊、呂艾玲、周怡怡、楊玲、潘冠霖、魏肇慧、田玲華、林嶽峙、張賀玟、陳綠葳、詹雅智、王瓔錚、徐珮倫、黃彥辰、葉雯瑾 等二十一位傅爾布萊特教師赴美進修暨協助華語教學獎助計畫獲獎人(Fulbright FLTA) 與台師大蕭惠貞教授、教育部及學術交流基金會合作,推出【FLTA華語自學者繪本書系列】一套共十二冊。

以虛擬美籍主角「傅台美」(Mia Fulbright)來台灣交換一年的生活體驗為背景,探索台灣12個主題,包括:泡溫泉(1月)、拜月老(2月)、逛夜市(3月)、吃喜酒(4月)、大遊行(5月)、採茶趣(6月)、環島行(7月)、墾丁趣 (8月)、放天燈(9月)、瘋美食(10月)、吃湯圓(11月)、跨年去(12月)。 繪本包括對話、情境表達、語言實踐、文化點滴等單元。本套書提供華語教學者一份實用的文化教材,也是華語學習者精進華語並了解台灣不可或缺的圖文書。


索取套書請洽 王小姐 (Edith Wang):ewang@fulbright.org.tw
