
graduate courses

漢語語義學(碩博)    Chinese Semantics   

語言與認知專題研究(碩博)    Seminar on Language and Cognition      

認知語言學概論(碩博)    An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (and Second Language Acquisition)  

漢語語言學專題(碩博)   Seminar on Chinese Linguistics (Cognitive Approaches to Chinese Grammar)

華語會話教學(碩博)    Teaching Conversation to Students of Chinese as a Second Language 

漢語教學語法(碩博)    Chinese Pedagogical Grammar

華語文教材編寫與分析(碩博)  Studies in Material Compilation and Assessment

華文教育教材教法(碩博)    Teaching Materials and Methods for Overseas Chinese Language Learning

 引導研究:漢語教學語法(碩)   Directed Research: Chinese Pedagogical Grammar             

華語語法教學設計 Chinese Grammar Instructional Design        

teaching  experiences

Fall 2017~ till now. Professor. Department of Chinese as a Second Language, NTNU

Fall 2014~ 2017.07.  Associate Professor.  Department of Chinese as a Second Language ( Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) , NTNU

Fall 2009~ 2014.07.  Assistant Professor.  Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, NTNU.  National Taiwan Normal University. Taipei, Taiwan.  (since 2012, Department of Chinese as a Second Language)


 Graduate Courses taught: 

          (i) Teaching Conversation to Students of Chinese as a Second Language,

          (ii) Chinese Pedagogical Grammar (CPG)

          (iii) Studies in Material Compilation and Assessment           

         (iv) An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics (and Second Language Acquisition),

          (v) Seminar on Chinese Linguistics (Cognitive Approaches to Chinese  Grammar)

          (vi) Teaching Materials and Methods for Overseas Chinese Language Learning

          (vii) Chinese Semantics         

2008-2009. Visiting Instructor. 2nd year Chinese and 3rd year Chinese, East Asian Languages &  Literature,   University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

           Major Responsibilities:

                (a) Do primary Lecture Class weekly,

                (b) Create Teaching Materials and Testing Assessment,

                (c) Train and Supervise TAs for discussion sessions,

                (d) Coordination: supervise second and third year Chinese TAs.

Spring 2007. Instructor. Chinese 102, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.

 Fall 2006. Instructor. Chinese 101, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.

 Spring 2006. Instructor. Chinese 101, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.

 Spring 2005. Instructor. Language, Society and the Individual, University at Buffalo, the State University of New  York.

 Fall 2004. Teaching Assistant.Languages of the World, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.  Instructed by Prof. Robert Hoenig.

Spring 2004. Instructor.Short-term Acting instructor, Chinese 302, University at Buffalo, the  State University of New York.

Spring 2004. Instructor. Chinese 101, University at Buffalo, the State  University of New York.

Fall 2003. Instructor. Chinese 101, University at Buffalo, the State  University of New York.

Spring 2003. Teaching Assistant. Language, Society and the Individual.   [LIN 207], University at Buffalo, the State University of New York.  Instructed by Prof. Jeri Jaeger.

1999- 2000. English Teacher. Taipei Municipal Yung-Chun Senior High School, Taipei, Taiwan.

1997-2000. English Instructor. Extension Program, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei,  Taiwan.