

Short Bio

Huichen S. HSIAO received her Ph.D. in Linguistics from State University of New York at Buffalo. Her major research focuses on how different linguistic meanings (words or constructions) are mediated, operated, and interacted while learning, acquiring or using a L1/L2 language, drawing on empirical data from learners as well as behavioral data (e.g. from L1 or interlanguage corpora). She teaches graduate courses, including Chinese Semantics, Pedagogical Chinese Grammar, and Teaching Material Designs for TCSL. Her current projects include polysemy-related issues, the linguistic encoding of motion events, and the syntax-semantics interface. In addition, she is interested in metaphor, the construction-relevant issues and L2 vocabulary learning strategies. Overall, Professor Hsiao’s work aims to explore the intricacy of language (& its application) and ultimately help L2 learners establish their own strategies for language learning efficiently.

Academic Position 

2017.08 ~ till now. Professor, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan

2020.02~2022.02. Associate Chair,  Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan 

2018/01~2018/08. On Research Leave (Senior Fulbright Research Grants), Fulbright Foundation for Scholarly Exchange. & Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Subsidy for Short-Term Research Abroad for Technologists. 

2014.08~2017.07. Associate Professor, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan 

2012~2014.07. Assistant Professor, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan 

2009~2012. Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL), National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan

2008-2009. Visiting Chinese Instructor. 2nd year Chinese and 3rd year Chinese, East Asian Languages &  Literature, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Current Position

Current Position: 

2022.02~till now. Director,  Research Ethics Office (REO), Office of Research and Development, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan.

2022.12~till now. Associate Chair of Committee, REC, NTNU.

2020~till now. Boards Research Ethics Committee(REC) (4th & 5th), NTNU, Taiwan.

2020~till now. Board Member of the 10th & 11th Council. Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. 

2019~till now. Board Member of  the 11th & 12th Council,  Linguistic Society of Taiwan.

2020~till now. Curriculum Committe. Computational Thinking and Programming Education Division. Office of Academic Affairs. 

2019~till now. Editorial Board Member. Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies, NTNU. 

現任: 2022.02~迄今  兼師大研究發展處 研究倫理中心主任 

          2022.12~迄今  兼研究研究倫理委員會 副主任委員

          2020~迄今  REC 第四屆與第五屆研究倫理審查委員

          2020~迄今  第十屆/第十一屆 台灣華語文教學學會 理事(TJCSL)

          2021.11~迄今 第十一屆/第十二屆/第十三屆台灣語言學學會 理事/兼網路組負責(LST)


          2021~迄今 《臺灣東亞文明研究學刊》  編輯委員 (Taiwan Journal of East Asian Studies)

           2023~2024 《華語文教學研究》期刊的編輯委員 (JCLT)

經歷:2020.02 ~2022.02 華語文教學系 (暨研究所) 副系主任

          2019.12~2023.11  第十一屆 & 第十二屆 台灣語言學學會 理事 

          2023.01~2023.12 擔任教育部教學實踐研究計畫審查委員

          2020~2022  共同教育委員會,110與111學年度,邏輯與程式教育組之課程委員

          2019~2021《臺灣東亞文明研究學刊》 編輯委員

          2017~ 迄今 華語文教學系(暨研究所)   教授

          2014~2017 華語文教學系(暨研究所)    副教授

          2009~2014 華語文教學研究所(TCSL)   助理教授

         2008~2009美國威斯康辛州立大學麥迪遜分校  東亞文學系中文訪問教師

         2004~2007 美國紐約州立大學水牛城分校 語言學學系助教

2017@ Kraków  


Ph. D.  Linguistics.  University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. Dissertation: MOTION EVENT DESCRIPTIONS AND MANNER-OF-MOTION VERBS IN  MANDARIN.  

M.A.    Linguistics.  University at Buffalo, The State University of New York. MA Thesis:The Role of Semantic Transparency in the Processing of Mandarin Compounds. 

M.A.    Linguistics.  Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan. MA Thesis: A Developmental Study of Polite Registers in School-age Children’s Request.   

B.A.   Department of  Foreign Languages and Literature. National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.  Major: English   & Minor: Japanese.  

Summer Institutes

 1. Summer 2002. Linguistic Society of Taiwan Summer Camp on Formosa Syntax and Austronesian Linguistics.  National Taiwan  Normal University (NTNU), Taipei, Taiwan.

2.  2001.  Linguistic Society of American Summer Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. Theme: Linguistic Diversity (How and Why Languages Differ).

Academic Experiences

2018.01~2018.08 Fulbright Research Visiting Scholar,  University of California, Davis (UC, Davis).  Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. 美國:加州大學戴維斯分校,東亞語文學系,傅爾布萊特研究訪問學者。

2018.01~2018.04 MOST Short-term Research Visiting Scholar at University of California, Davis (UC, Davis).  Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. 美國:加州大學戴維斯分校,東亞語文學系,科技部短期研究訪問學者。

2017.05 (two weeks)    Visiting Professor at Palacký University in Olomouc.  Erasmus+ program. (International Summer School 2017: Spreading the Word: Teaching Chinese as a Second Language ) 捷克:帕拉斯基大學,東亞語文學系,「漢語教學語法講座」短期客座訪問教授兩週。伊拉斯莫斯計畫。

2013.12  (two weeks)  Invited Talks at Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere, Universita degli studi Roma Tre, Italy. Spotlight  Taiwan of Taiwan Academy. 專題演講兩場 ,「華語文系列」講座 。義大利:羅馬第三大學,台灣書院文化光點計畫。

2013.07 (one week) Visiting Guest Professor at  Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany. One-week Seminar on "Curriculum Design, Instruction, and Chinese Grammar" 。專題研究授課一週,客座教授 ,德國:柏林自由大學。

2010.07 (three weeks)  Guest Lectures on TCSL Workshop, Overseas Community Affairs Council, Taiwan. 美加東海外華文教師研習會,巡迴講座教師,臺灣:僑委會。

Previous Working Experiences

2005-2006. Editor. Kadix Systems, LLC, Arlington, VA. FBI Computer -Based Survive Mandarin Classes.

Summer 2005. Linguist Researcher. Kadix Systems, LLC, Arlington, VA. Duty: research, identified and summarized linguistic materials of Mandarin.

 2000-2001. Research Assistant. Chinese Knowledge Information Processing Group, Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Bilingual WordNet Project by Professor Chu-Ren Huang.

1997-1998. Research Assistant. National Science Council (NSC) project (NSC 87-2411-H-030-014) Topic: Effect of Metacognitive Strategies in Multimedia Simulations for EST. Professor Shiou-Wen Yeh, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan.

1996-1997. Research Assistant. National Science Council (NSC) project. (NSC 86-2411- H-030- 003) Topic: A Study of Anxiety in Learning English as a Foreign Language. Professor Bao-Yan Chang, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Summer 1997. Interpreter. The International Children’s Folklore & Folkgame Festival, I-Lan, Taiwan.

Summer 1995. Certificated Mandarin Tutor. Qualified Mandarin Tutor in Language Center. National Cheng-Kung University (NCKU), Tainan, Taiwan.

Membership in Professional Organizations

1. Member, International Association of Chinese Linguistics (IACL) 國際中國語言學學會(Since 2007)

2. Member, Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA) 中文教師學會 (since 2009)

3. Member, Linguistic Society of America (美國語言學會,LSA)

4. Lifelong Member, Linguistic Society of Taiwan (LST) 終身會員,台灣語言學會

5. Lifelong Member, Association of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (ATCSL) 終身會員,台灣華語文教學學會

6. Member, the Chinese Linguistic Society of Japan, 日本中國語學會