
Research Grants

蕭惠貞(08/01/2023~07/31/2024),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《語言與文化:再探漢語時空傾向及時間焦點假說議題》,一般型專題研究計畫, Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (NSTC 112-2410-H-003 -144-)Project Title: Language and Culture: An Alternative Perspective on Spatialtemporal Mapping Bias and Temporal Focus Hypothesis Issues .

蕭惠貞(08/01/2022~07/31/2023),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《互動培訓模式於提升華語教師提問技巧之成效分析研究》,教育部教學實踐計畫,MOE Teaching Practice Research Program (PED1110068) Project Title: A Study on the Effectiveness of Interactive Training Mode: CSL Teachers' Elicitation Techniques. 

蕭惠貞(08/01/2022~07/31/2023),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《漢語量級詞實證探究:組構和諧搭配、語用隱含和否定強化》,一般型專題研究計畫,  Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (NSTC 111-2410-H-003 -085-)Project Title: Empirical Study on Semantic Configurational Harmony,  Pragmatic Implicatures, and Negative Strengthening of Scalars in Mandarin.

蕭惠貞(08/01/2021~07/31/2022),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《漢語時間義與空間義副詞隱含之量級結構探究與華語教學建議》,一般型專題研究計畫, Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 110-2410-H-003 -040-)Project Title: On Integrating Scale Structure into the Study of  Temporal and Spatial Adverbs in Mandarin and CSL Pedagogical Implications. 

 蕭惠貞(01/01/2022~12/31/2022),共同主持人。計畫名稱:《AI的能與不能─人文社會的脈絡、價值與效應(4/4)》。一般型   專題研究計畫。Ministry of  Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 111-2634-F-003 -002 -) Project Title: Abilities and Limits of AI: Context, Value, and Effect of Humanities  and Society. 計畫二: AI 人工智慧應用於新住民語言學習、社會適應及權益保障的影響。

蕭惠貞(01/01/2021~12/31/2021),共同主持人。計畫名稱:《AI的能與不能─人文社會的脈絡、價值與效應(3/4)》。一般型專題研究計畫。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 110-2634-F-003 -008 -) Project Title: Abilities and Limits of AI: Context, Value, and Effect of Humanities and Society. 計畫二: AI 人工智慧應用於新住民語言學習、社會適應及權益保障的影響。

蕭惠貞(01/01/2020~12/31/2020),共同主持人。計畫名稱:《AI的能與不能─人文社會的脈絡、價值與效應(2/4)》。一般型專題研究計畫。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 109-2634-F-003 -008 -) Project Title: Abilities and Limits of AI: Context, Value, and Effect of Humanities and Society. 計畫二: AI 人工智慧應用於新住民語言學習、社會適應及權益保障的影響。

蕭惠貞(08/01/2019~07/31/2020),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《基於語料庫分析及實證研究之雙及物構式探究與華語教學應用》。一般型專題研究計畫,兩年期計畫之二(2/2)。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 107-2410-H-003-025 -MY2) Project Title: Corpus-based and CLS-oriented Empirical Approaches on Ditransitive Constructions in Mandarin

蕭惠貞(01/01/2019~12/31/2019),共同主持人。計畫名稱:《AI的能與不能─人文社會的脈絡、價值與效應(1/4)》。一般型專題研究計畫。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 108-2634-F-003-005-) Project Title: Abilities and Limits of AI: Context, Value, and Effect of Humanities and Society. 計畫二: AI 人工智慧應用於新住民語言學習、社會適應及權益保障的影響。

蕭惠貞(08/01/2018~07/31/2019),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《基於語料庫分析及實證研究之雙及物構式探究與華語教學應用》。一般型專題研究計畫,兩年期計畫之一(1/2)。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 107-2410-H-003-025 -MY2) Project Title: Corpus-based and CLS-oriented Empirical Approaches on Ditransitive Constructions in Mandarin

蕭惠貞(08/01/2017~07/31/2018),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語文本閱讀理解、二語程度與文本複雜度之探究》。一般型專題研究計畫。Project Title: A Study on How Second Language Ability and Text Complexity Affect Reading Comprehension of Chinese Texts. Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 106-2410-H-003 -060-)

蕭惠貞(08/01/2016~07/31/2017~延至2018/3/31),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語詞彙學習策略探究 ─ 以詞義推測及語境線索為例 ( II)》。一般型專題研究計畫。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090-)Project Title: A Study on L2 Learners’ Learning Strategy of Words in Mandarin: a Case Study of Inferring Strategy and Contextual Clues(II)

蕭惠貞(08/01/2015~07/31/2016),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語詞彙學習策略探究 ─ 以詞義推測及語境線索為例》。一般型專題研究計畫。Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 104-2410-H-003-060) Project Title: A Study on L2 Learners’ Learning Strategy of Words in Mandarin: a Case Study of Inferring Strategy and Contextual Clues

蕭惠貞(08/01/2013~07/31/2015),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語多義詞詞彙學習網建置 (II):L2 華語詞彙習得研究》。一般型專題研究計畫(多年型)。Ministry of Science and Technology/National Science Council Research Project (MOST/NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2) Project Title: Chinese Polysemy Learning Network (II): L2 Learners'Acquisition of Polysemous Words in Mandarin

蕭惠貞(2015/08/01~2016/07/31),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語詞彙學習策略探究 ——以詞義推測及語境線索為例-(II)》。一般型專題研究計畫。 Ministry of Science and Technology Research Project (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090 -) A Study on L2 Learners’Learning Strategy of Words in Mandarin: a Case Study of Inferring Strategy and Contextual Clues(Year II)

蕭惠貞(08/01/2012~07/31/2013),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《跨語言分析研究:中、日、泰「切」類動詞之心理實驗研究及教學應用》。專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫(個別型)。National Science Council Research Project (NSC 101-2410-H-003-079-) Project Title: A Cross-linguistic Study of Verbs of Cutting and its Pedagogical Application: the case of Mandarin, Japanese and Thai

蕭惠貞(12/31/2011~12/31/2012),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《華語多義詞詞彙網建置(一)--教學試驗、詞彙學習與數位教材設計(單一整合型計畫)》。國家型科技計畫。 National Science Council Research Project (NSC 100-2631-S-003-011-) Project Title: Chinese Polysemy Learning Network(I): Pedagogical Implementation, Vocabulary Learning and Digital Materials Design

蕭惠貞(08/01/2011~07/31/2012)。計畫名稱:《對外華語近義詞研究: 中、英「切」類動詞之語料庫分析、心理實驗研究及教學語法之應用》。專題研究計畫(新進人員研究計畫(個別型)。National Science Council Research Project (NSC 100-2410-H-003-085-) Project Title: Near-Synonyms: a Corpus-based and Experimental Study of Verbs of Cutting in English and Mandarin and its Pedagogical Grammar Application

共同主持人(08/01/2010~07/31/2011)。《跨國華語文化溝通教學之設計與實施-以同步視訊為主體之數位學習研究--子計畫三:海外華語學習者之線上學習成效評估研究(2/2) 》。專題研究計畫(國家型科技計畫)。National Science Council Research Project (NSC 99-2631-S-003-007)。主持人:鄭錦全教授;共同計畫主持人: 蕭惠貞。 Project Title: Evaluation and assessment of overseas Mandarin learning and its effects in an online environment (I)

蕭惠貞(08/01/2010~07/31/2011),計畫主持人。計畫名稱:《中文關詞用法之語庫分析:寫作偏誤型與教學應用》。 專題研究計畫 (新進人員研究計畫(個別型)。National Science Council Research Project (NSC 99-2410-H-003-074-) Project Title: A Corpus-based Analysis of Connectives in Chinese: the Types of Writing Interlanguage and Pedagogical Implications

共同計畫主持人(08/01/2009~07/31/2010)。《跨國華語文化溝通教學之設計與實施-以同步視訊為主體之數位學習研究--子計畫三:海外華語學習者之線上學習成效評估研究(1/2)專題研究計畫(國家型科技計畫) 》。National Science Council Research Project (NSC 98-2631-S-003-011-)。主持人:鄭錦全教授;共同計畫主持人: 蕭惠貞、徐東伯。 Project Title: Evaluation and assessment of overseas Mandarin learning and its effects in an online environment (II)

蕭惠貞(09/11/2013~09/14/2013),102 學年度,師大學術活動補助案經費核定通 知函,出國參加國際學術會議發表論文 (SCCL)。國立台灣師範大學華語文教學 研究所。台北:師範大學研發處。

蕭惠貞(09/03/2010~09/05/2010),98 學年度,師大學術活動補助案經費核 定通知函,出國參加國際學術會議發表論文 (ICCG-6)。“Converb Constructions in Mandarin” 國立台灣師範大學華語文教學研究所。台北:師範大學研發處。

蕭惠貞(07/01/2010~06/30/2010) ,計畫主持人。《以海外華裔子弟為對象之文化課程設計與應用》。國立臺灣師範大學新進教師之專題研究費補助。(Project No. T9907000589)。 Project Title: Material Design and Application for Heritage Learners

蕭惠貞(01/01/2013~12/31/2013) ,計畫主持人。《從認知語言學視角探究華語詞彙學習與教學應用》Year II。國立臺灣師範大學邁向頂尖大學計畫研究補助。 (Project No. 102J1A0505) Project Title: Cognitive Perspectives on Chinese Vocabulary: Language Learning and Teaching Application (Year II)教育部之計畫案

蕭惠貞(04/01/2012~12/31/2012) ,計畫主持人。《從認知語言學視角探究華語詞彙學習與教學應用》。MOE Project. 國立臺灣師範大學 101 年度邁向頂尖大學計畫研究補助。(Project No. 101J1A0703) Project Title: Cognitive Perspectives on Chinese Vocabulary: Language Learning and Teaching Application (Year I)教育部之計畫案

王秀惠、石梅、蕭惠貞。共同計畫主持人。(08/01/2010~01/31/2011),「華 E:歷史文化融入華語教學」。99 年度「教育部人文教育革新中綱計畫──子計畫:人文位教學計畫」。(MOE-099-01-05-2-11-2-31) Project Title: Heritage Learners’ Curriculum Design and Application -- Culture-based Materials Development教育部之計畫案


Co-Principal Investigators in Taiwan (June 1, 2011~ November 30, 2014). USA National Science Foundation (NSF Awarded Project, Award NO. BCS-1053123). Title: Spatial Language and Cognition beyond Mesoamerica. Collaborate with Dr. Juergen Bohnemeyer, University at Buffalo, SUNY.