
Invited Talks 演講

A.  海外國際演講邀請(International Invited Talks

1.   蕭惠貞(2023.11)。專題演講嘉賓,《漢語二語學習詞彙推測策略使用之異同與啟示》。湖南師範大學:兩岸華語文  研究生學術交流會暨湖湘文化交流。2023/11/14~2023/11/19。

2.  Hsiao, Huichen S.(蕭惠貞) (2023.10)。Plenary speaker. Invited to be a Plenary Speaker at The 5th Harvard International Conference on Chinese Pedagogy (The 5th Harvard ICCP) 2023, “On Vocabulary Knowledge, Inferring Strategies and Text Complexity: the Case of L2 Language Learners”. MA, Harvard University.

3.  Hsiao, Huichen S. (2023). Invited to be the panelist in The 2023 U.S. Taiwan Education Initiative—Mandarin Education Conference. TCS/FL Education in the U.S.--Globalization and Cooperation on the 7th/ 8th day of January 2023, Taipei, Taiwan. 台北教育場議系列活動『對美華語教育的全球在地化語合作』研討會 蕭惠貞,獲邀擔任Fulbright Fulbright Taiwan_TCS/FL Conference_invitation of panelist_2023/1/7-8 TCS/FL Teaching Materials and Method(Topic: A cognitive-based investigation of students’ learning of Chinese grammar)

4.  Hsiao, Huichen S.(2020/11). Invited Talk: Issues on Chinese as a foreign language learner’s vocabulary knowledge. Lectures on Linguistics: focus on Chinese lexicon. Italy: Roma Tre University (On-line talk).

5.   蕭惠貞(2019/11/20)。華語教學專題演講:《台灣華語教學的歷史、前瞻與現況》。日本:大阪大學,語言文化研究科。

6.   蕭惠貞(2019/11/20)。華語教學專題演講:《不同國籍之華語學習者於閱讀中詞義推測策略使用之研究》。日本:大阪大學,語言文化研究科。

7.   蕭惠貞(2017.05)。交換學者(Exchange Visiting Scholars)。Seminar on Chinese Pedagogical Grammar. 擔任「漢語教學語法」主題一系列演講。2017/05/15~ 2017/05/31 Erasmus+ Plus Staff 捷克: 帕拉茨基大學 © Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci

8.  蕭惠貞(2013/12/04)。演講題目:《漢語潛能補語構式與教學應用》。獲邀於義大利羅馬第三大學演講(Lexical Ambiguity and Pedagogical Implication in Mandarin)。臺灣書院文化光點計畫「臺灣當代文學」及「華語文」系列講座。由羅馬第三大學(Universita degli studi Roma Tre)與中華民國文化部合辦。

9.  蕭惠貞(2013/12/02)。演講題目:《詞彙歧義與華語教學應用》。獲邀於義大利羅馬第三大學演講(On Potential Complement Constructions in Mandarin and Pedagogical Implication)。臺灣書院文化光點計畫「臺灣當代文學」及「華語文」系列講座。由羅馬第三大學(Universita degli studi Roma Tre)與中華民國文化部合辦。

10. Hsiao, Huichen S. (2011). Invited Speaker, “On Potential Complement Construction in Mandarin.” Linguistics Department, University at Buffalo, SUNY. November 11, 2011.


B. 國內校外演講邀請(Domestic Invited Talks

my Talk on  Taiwan’s Soft Power Prospects  at Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2024, Stockholm