

蕭惠貞(2017)。《認知語言學視角下之華語教學實證探究》。台北:新學出版股份有限公司。ISBN:978-986-295-668-7。 (通過臺師大出版社審查認可評定:卓越專書) 

HSIAO, Huichen S. (2017). Cognitive Linguistics-inspired Perspectives and Empirical Studies of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.  New Sharing Publishing Co., Ltd.


    This book presents an empirical study investigating the benefits of Cognitive Linguistics (CL) concepts as implemented through a variety of experimental methods in the context of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL). Furthermore, with learning strategies for Chinese as a Second Language as its focal point, the book discusses how to best integrate these important and fundamental CL concepts into TCSL. The book covers four main topics. The first investigates the explicit training and learning of a “contextual cues circling” strategy, which increases second language learners’ awareness of sentence context, and whether this might facilitate the learning and retention of polysemous words. The second topic involves “metaphoric competence” as one of the principle indicators of second language skill, in which the mapping principle (“BUSINESS IS WAR”) is applied to the teaching of professional business-related Chinese vocabulary, examining the effectiveness of teaching war-related words under the premise of a business metaphor to L2 learners. The third topic applies “image schemas” into Chinese vocabulary teaching, exploring the concept of CONTAINER and PATH schema as they benefit the learning of Chinese verbs. Additionally, in contrast with traditional methods of vocabulary teaching, an investigation was also conducted on the employment of a “concept map” in order to present the association between different meanings of high frequency polysemous words, and whether such a strategy would lead to a better learning result. Finally, the fourth and last topic explores the influence of a student’s native language (L1) on the target language learning process, illustrating preferences for directional complement constructions used by native Chinese language speakers, and comparing this to those used by Japanese native speakers with basic to intermediate levels of Chinese.

     Overall, the issues and research results addressed in this book exhibit significant practical value in terms of elucidating the relationship between CL (in particular, Cognitive Semantics) and TCSL. The book also provides new direction for improving the implementation of CL research results in the context of Chinese language teaching. When it comes to second language learning, educators are certainly capable of accelerating learning outcomes, assuming the ability to effectively guide classroom activities. This book thus offers a comprehensive overview of empirical research Cognitive Linguistics-related learning topics, with the hope of further exposing the importance and benefits of cognitive orientation in the area of applied foreign language teaching.

2020年出版 《台灣萬花筒華語看世界》Key to the World: A Kaleidoscope of Taiwan



      This book found its inspiration from topics that are unique to Taiwanese culture explored through a total of 12 lessons organized into three units: “Daily Life in Taiwan,” “Social and Cultural Development in Taiwan,” and “Looking at World Issues Through the Kaleidoscope of Taiwan.” Every lesson discusses topics in Taiwanese local specialties and social issues by introducing current events and cultural phenomena that provide a vivid picture of everyday life in Taiwan, encouraging learners to gain a deeper understanding of Taiwanese culture. Furthermore, each lesson was designed with a "Global Corner," which allows learners from all over the world to immerse themselves in the topics, sparking mutual discussion. This encourages learners to go above and beyond to explore Taiwanese culture and society while motivating them to comprehend how certain topics connect countries around the world and nurturing competence in cross-cultural communication.

  On the other hand, Key to the World: A Kaleidoscope of Taiwan was designed specifically for intermediate-advanced learners, intending to strengthen their Mandarin Chinese abilities, so that they can successfully study high-level materials. These lessons especially focus on expanding and building vocabulary. Besides incorporating common terminology, units such as “Near-Synonym Distinctions,” “Character Association Maps,” and “Formal and Informal Conversions,” can be utilized to supplement lexical acquisition. Overall, we endeavor to employ a wide array of methodologies to aid Chinese learners as they expand their vocabulary, grasp the differences between near-synonym terms that commonly confuse learners and further develop the ability to discern the differences between informal and formal language usage, ultimately reaching a higher level of proficiency. 


In-progress polysemy learning materials ( all rights reserved by Huichen S. HSIAO)

 期刊論文 (Refereed Journal Articles)

(25) HSIAO, Huichen S. and Yun-Han WANG, and Anwei YU. (2024).A Study on Native Mandarin Speakers’ Homogeneity of Degree Adverbs and Adjectives.  In Dong, Minghui, Hong, J-F, Lin, Jingxia, Peng, J. (eds.) Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 24 Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (CLSW 2023, Revised Selected Papers, pp. 3~10), vol. 1 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. LNAI) Springer (14515), Cham. (MOST 111-2410-H-003 -085-) 

(24) Anwei, Yu and Hsiao, Huichen. S.* (2024). A Preliminary Study on Japanese CSL Learners’ Acquisition of Mandarin Potential Expressions. In Dong, Minghui, Hong, J-F, Lin, Jingxia, Peng, J. (eds.) Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 24 Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (CLSW 2023, Revised Selected Papers, pp.423~434), vol. 2 (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI). Springer (14515), Cham.  

(23) 蕭惠 貞 * (Huichen S. Hsiao)、詹士微 (Shi-Wei Chan)、魏吟玲 (Yin-Ling Wei) (2024 forthcoming, accepted)。〈探究影響漢語雙及物構式語句產出之要素〉(A Study on the Factors Affecting the Production of Mandarin Ditransitive Constructions),《漢語作為第二語言研究》CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research Journal),第13卷第1期,第 79-107頁。ISSN: 2193-2263(print); ISBN: 2193-2271 (online)。(MOST 107-2410-H-003-025-MY2)

(22) 王韻涵、林宣妘蕭惠貞* (2023)。〈日籍華語學習者於「送」雙及物構式的使用〉(An Exploration of the Usage of "SONG" in Ditransitive Constructions by Japanese CSL Learners),《漢語作為第二語言研究》CASLAR (Chinese as a Second Language Research Journal),12卷第1期,第 91-124頁。ISSN: 2193-2263(print); ISBN: 2193-2271 (online)。(MOST 107-2410-H-003-025-MY2)

(21) Wu, SC., and Hsiao, Huichen. S. (2023). A Case Study on Scalar Ordering Relations of Chinese Adverbs. In: Su, Q., Xu, G., Yang, X. (eds.) Chinese Lexical Semantics. CLSW 23 Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (CLSW 2022, Revised Selected Papers, pp.368~383), vol. 13495.(Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (Artificial Intelligence) Springer(LNAI 13495), Cham.  (MOST 110-2410-H-003 -040-) 

(20) 魏吟玲、蕭惠貞* (2022). 〈漢語運動事件趨向補語構式規則之探究──以「V+來/過/過來」為例〉,《台灣語言學期刊》第20卷第2期,第141─179頁。[Yin-Ling Wei and Huichen S. Hsiao* (2022). REGULARITY AND IDIOMATICITY IN CHINESE DIRECTIONAL CONSTRUCTIONS: A CASE STUDY ON “V+LAI/GUO/GUOLAI, Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (TJL), Vol.20.2, pp.141-179.  ISSN: 1729-4649 (print), 1994-2559 (online)  (MOST 107-2410-H-003-025-MY2)

(19) 蕭惠貞*、張庭瑄 (2022). 探究語言相關因素於閱讀理解的影響:以華語二語學習者為例〉,《華語文教學研究第十九卷第三期,第1-42頁。[Hsiao, Huichen S. and Ting-Hsuan Chang (2022). "A Preliminary Study of Linguistic-Related Factors in Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of CSL Learners",   Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 19.3, pp.1-42.] (TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)(MOST 106-2410-H-003-060 -) & (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090)

(18)  蕭惠貞*、詹士、陳瀅(2022). 〈人工智慧學習平台之教學應用反思——以法律華語文本為例〉(A Study on the Pedagogical Application of AIPowered Chinese Platform and Reflection: A Case Study of Legal Chinese ),《臺大華語文學習與科技》 (Chinese Language Learning and Technology (CLLT) ),第二期,107-143頁。(MOST 108-2634-F-003-005-)&(MOST 109-2634-F-003 -008 -)PDF

(17) 蕭惠貞*、魏吟玲 (2021)。〈漢語移動事件中「來」與「過來」之探究〉(A Study on Deictic Verbs COME “Lai” and “Guolai” in Mandarin Motion Event Expressions),《漢語作為第二語言研究》CASLAR(Chinese as a Second Language Research Journal),第10卷第2期,第 265-290頁。ISSN: 2193-2263(print); ISBN: 2193-2271 (online)。(MOST 107-2410-H-003-025-MY2)

(16) 周妘珊、蕭惠貞* (2021) 〈句對閱讀中的連貫作用〉(The Effect of Coherence on Sentence Pair Reading) ,《漢語作為第二語言研究》CASLAR(Chinese as a Second Language Research Journal),第10卷第1期,第 75-99頁。 ISSN: 2193-2263(print); ISBN: 2193-2271 (online)。(MOST 106-2410-H-003-060 -) & (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090)

(15) Hsiao, Huichen S. and Li-Chun Tang (2020). Text complexity and reading comprehension of Japanese CSL learners, Chinese as a Second Languge Research Journal (CASLAR), vol. 9.2, 277-312. [蕭惠貞、湯立群(2020)。〈日籍華語學習者的文本閱讀理解〉,《漢語作為第二語言研究》第9卷第2期,第277-312頁。] ISSN: 2193-2263(print); ISBN: 2193-2271 (online)。(MOST 106-2410-H-003-060 -) & (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090) PDF

 (14) 蕭惠貞、周妘珊 ( 2020)。〈華語二語學習者於文本閱讀理解表現之探究-- 以說明文為例〉 。《華語文教學研究》,第17卷第2期,第41-90頁。(Hsiao, Huichen S. & Yunshan Chou, 2020. "A Study on CSL Learners' Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of Explanatory Text".  Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, JCLT, vol. 17.2, pp.41-90)。(TSSCI & THCI Core),ISSN: 1811-8429。(MOST 106-2410-H-003-060 -) PDF 

 (13) Hsiao, Huichen S. & Lestari Mahastuti (2020). “A Collostructional Analysis of Ditransitive Constructions in Mandarin,” in H-F. Hong, Y. Zhang, & P. Liu edited, Chinese Lexical Semantics (20th Workshop, CLSW 2019, Revised Selected Papers, pp.37~51. ( Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (Artificial Intelligence) 11831 LNAI, Springer. SCOPUS.  (MOST 107-2410-H-003-025-MY2)


(12) TANG, Li-Chun and Huichen S. HSIAO* (2019). “The Influence of Vocabulary Knowledge and Morphological Awareness on Reading Comprehension: A Case Study of CSL Learners,” Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 16.3: 95-145. [湯立群、蕭惠貞* (2019)。〈華語二語學習者之詞彙知識與構詞覺知於閱讀理解的影響〉,《華語文教學研究》 (JCLT),第十六卷第三期,第95-145頁。] (TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)(MOST 106-2410-H-003-060-)& MOST 105-2410-H-003-090 -) PDF


 (11) Mahastuti, Lestari and  Huichen S., HSIAO*  (2018). “A Preliminary Test Design of Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge for Chinese L2 Learners” , Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), Volume 15, Issue 2, Pages 95-120. [雷達莉、蕭惠貞(2018) 〈華語學習者詞彙廣度與深度知識測試之設計初探 〉,《華語文教學研究》,第十五卷第二期,第95-119頁。 (TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429) (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090-)]


  (10) HSIAO, Huichen S. and On-Kei, LEONG (2018). “Effects of metaphor awareness on L2 vocabulary learning and retention” , Chinese as a Second Language Research Journal (CASLAR),  Volume 7, Issue 1, Pages 141–170.  Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston.  ISSN (Online) 2193-2271, ISSN (Print) 2193-2263, DOI:  [蕭惠貞、梁安琪(2018)。 〈提升隱喻意識對二語詞彙學習和記憶存留之探究 〉,《漢語作為第二語言研究》,第七卷第一期,第141-170頁。] (MOST 105-2410-H-003-090-)

 (9) HSIAO, Huichen S. and Ping-Jung, CHEN (2016 ). “Typological Differences: a Study on Japanese L2 Learners' Cognitive Perception of Chinese Motion Event Expressions” , Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 13.2: 1-41.  [蕭惠貞、陳品蓉(2016)。 〈不同語言類型的潛在影響:以日籍學習者對於漢語複合趨向事件表述之認知為例〉,《華語文教學研究》,第十三卷第二期,第1-41 頁。] (TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)(MOST/NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2) PDF]


 (8) HSIAO, Huichen S., Yi-Chun CHEN and Ying-Chen WU (2016). “Representation of Polysemy in Mandarin Verbs: Chi, Da, and Xi," Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, 42.1, pp.1-30. [蕭惠貞、陳意鈞、吳盈臻 (2016) 。〈華語多義詞詞義表徵 以「吃」、「打」、「洗」為例 〉,《同心圓》,第四十二卷第一期,第1-30頁。] ( THCI Core),(ISSN: 1810-7478)(MOST /NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2) & (NSC 100-2410-H-003-085) PDF

 (7) HSIAO, Huichen S. and Ping-Jung, CHEN (2016). “Japanese Learners’ Conception of Chinese Directional Motion Event Expressions”,   Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 13.1: 35-68. [蕭惠貞、陳品蓉 (2016)。〈日籍學習者對於漢語趨向事件表述之認知〉,《華語文教學研究》,第十三卷第一期,第35-68頁。] (TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)(MOST/NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2) PDF

 (6) HSIAO, Huichen S. (2015). “The Role of FORCE in Mandarin Verbs of Cutting,” Taiwan Journal of Linguistics (TJL), 2015, Vol.13, issue  2, 1-30 (NSC 100-2410-H-003-085-) & (NSC 101-2410-H-003-079)。(THCI Core),(ISSN: 1729-4649 (print); 1994-2559 (Online)). [ 蕭惠貞  (2015)。〈漢語切類相關動詞之實證探究〉,《台灣語言學期刊》,第十三卷第二期,第1~30頁]  PDF

(5) HSIAO, Huichen S. (2014). “Culturally Related Theme Selection in Chinese Text materials for Heritage Learners: A Case Study on the Needs of Local Chinese School Teachers,” Journal of National Taiwan Normal University: Linguistics & Literature, vol. 59, No.2, pp.1-34.  (NTNU Junior Faculty Project No. T9907000589(ISSN: 2074-5192) [蕭惠貞(2014)。〈華裔兒童文化教材主題選取之探討 -- 以美加東地區中文學校教師之需求為例〉,《師大學報:語言與文學類》,第五十九卷第二期,第1~34頁。] PDF

 (4) HSIAO, Huichen S. and CHEN, YJ. (2014).“A Study of Lexical Ambiguity and Pedagogical Implication”, Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 11 (2), pp.1-30. (NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2)。(TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)[蕭惠貞、陳昱蓉(2014)。〈漢語詞彙歧義探究與教學應用〉,《華語文教學研究》,第十一卷第二期,第1~30頁。]  PDF

(3)   HSIAO, Huichen S. (2013). "Semantic Analysis of Xi: Sequencing and Pedagogical Implications," Journal of Chinese Language Teaching (JCLT), vol. 10 (4), PP. 47-80)(NSC-100-2631-S-003-011-),(TSSCI & THCI Core),(ISSN: 1811-8429)[蕭惠貞(2013) 。〈多義詞「洗」之語義分析、詞彙排序與華語教學應用〉,《華語文教學研究》,第十卷第四期,第47~80頁。] PDF

(2)   HSIAO, Huichen S. and LIN, Chienju. (2012 ). "On Mandarin Potential Complement Constructions,"  LANGUAGE AND LINGUISTICS,  vol.13 (5), pp.961-996.(ISSN: 1606822X)(SSCI、 A & HCI)。[蕭惠貞、林倩如(2012)。〈論現代漢語補語可能構式〉,《語言暨語言學》,第十三卷第五期,第 961-996頁。] PDF

(1) HSIAO, Huichen and Shuting HSU (2012). The Differentiation of Near- synonyms Juxing and Juban and its Pedagogical Application, Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (JCLTA), Volume 47:1, pp. 61-91.(ISSN: 0009-4595) [蕭惠貞、許淑婷(2012)。〈近義詞之研究:「舉行」、「舉辦」及其華語教學之應用〉,《全美中文教師學會學報》,第四十七卷,第一期,第 61-91頁。][國立台灣師範大學國際僑教學院 正面列表期刊]

專書論文 (Book Chapter)

(8)  雷達莉、蕭惠貞(2017.06)。〈華語學習者詞彙廣度、深度知識與閱讀理解之關係研究〉,何文潮、劉玉屏、靳洪剛主編《全球化的中文教育:教學與研究--第十四屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》,第739~751頁。ISBN: 978-7-5660-1373-6)。北京:中央民族大學出版社。(MOST 104-2410-H-003 -060-) 

(7)  梁安琪、盧萱錡、蕭惠貞(2017.06 )。〈以詞彙量擴充為目標之教材設計編寫範例〉,何文潮、劉、靳洪剛主編《全球化的中文教育:教學與研究--第十四屆國際漢語學學術研討會論文集》,第203~217頁。ISBN: 978-7-5660-1373-6)。北京:中央民族大學出版社。(MOST 105-2410-H-003 -090-)& 師大教學精進創新與專業社群計畫補助(T105051801104:台灣萬花筒--華語看世界)

(6)  盧萱錡、梁安琪、蕭惠貞(2017 )。〈提升趣味性與培養跨文化溝通能力 ──基於《今日台灣》之教材編寫新嘗試〉,何文潮、劉玉屏、靳洪剛主編《全球化的中文教育:教學與研究--第十四屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》,第218~238頁。ISBN: 978-7-5660-1373-6)。北京:中央民族大學出版社。(MOST 105-2410-H-003 -090-)& 師大教學精進創新與專業社群計畫補助(T105051801104:台灣萬花筒--華語看世界) 


(5)  蕭惠貞、周俞姍(2016.07)。〈概念圖與數位學習結合應用探究〉,《 華語教學與電腦輔助運用 》,頁117-141。台北:五南出版社。(TOP University Project No. 101J1A0703 & No.102J1A0505)ISBN: 978-957-11-8187-5

(4)  HSIAO, Huichen S. and Ping-Jung CHEN (2015). “On the Effectiveness of Context Clues and Semantic Transparency: a Case Study of Singapore CSL learners’ Meaning Inference Performance,” presented and published in the Proceedings from The 4th International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language, pp. 1-10. Singapore: NTU-SCCL PRESS. (MOST/NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2) & (MOST 104-2410-H-003-060-) 

(3)  蕭惠貞、張純豪(2015.07)。〈以意象圖式作為漢語動詞學習輔助之個案研究〉(A Case Study of Using Image Schemas to Learn Chinese Verbs),發表並獲選收錄於《第十三屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》專書。中國,內蒙古:呼和浩特。額爾很巴雅爾順等人主編《第十三屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》(The proceedings of The 13thInternational Conference on Chinese Language Pedagogy),第49-60頁。(ISBN:978-7-5665-0794-5) 內蒙古:內蒙古大學出版社。(July 9-11, 2015 in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China) [MOST/NSC 102-2410-H-003-018-MY2])

(2)  蕭惠貞、周俞姍、李佳霖 (2013.06)。〈英韓學生於漢語溫度詞之學習探討-以「熱」為例〉,發表並獲選收錄於第十一屆國際漢語教學學術研討會(The 11th international conference on Chinese language pedagogy)。中國,四川:成都,2013/06/28~2013/06/30。曹順慶、俞志強主編《第十一屆國際漢語教學學術研討會論文集》,第435-451頁。成都:巴署書社。(ISBN:978-7-5532-0269-6)(TOP University Project No. 101J1A0703 & No. 102J1A0505)

 (1) HSIAO, Huichen S, Yu-Ting WU, I-Ning HUANG, and Ying-Chen, WU (2012). “Metaphor in L2 Chinese Vocabulary Teaching,” Paper presented in the Fifth CLS International Conference CLaSIC 2012 (Culture in Foreign Language Learning: Framing and Reframing the Issue), pp. 183-209. Singapore: NUS Center for Language Studies, 6-8, December, 2012. (NSC-100-2631-S-003-011-) & (TOP University Project No. 101J1A0703) ISBN: 978-981-07-4758-9 (e-book)