
2018.10 @ Seoul, South Korea

Welcome! My name is Huichen S. HSIAO (蕭惠貞 ).  My teaching and research interests include, but not limited to the following areas:

學術專長 :認知語義學、詞彙語意學、漢語語法學、漢語語言學、華語教學、二語習得

Expertise: Cognitive Semantics/Linguistics, Lexical Semantics, Chinese Grammar, Chinese Linguistics, TCSL, Second Language Acquisition

Mailing address

Department of Chinese as a Second Language  (originally Graduate Institute of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language) , National Taiwan Normal University

162, Heping East Road, Section 1, Taipei 106, Taiwan           

 Office Phone: +886-2-7749-5190

Email: huichen.hsiao {at} NTNU {dot}EDU{dot}TW

Recommendation Letter

If you ask for a letter of recommendation from me, please submit your Chinese/ English CV and a copy of your study plan to me "at least" two weeks ( or earlier).

推薦信 若你想要老師幫你寫推薦信,請你要準備以下資料,中英簡歷CV、與讀書計畫草擬,至少在兩週之前寄給我。

2018 @ California