
Exploring the Landscape of the Heart


Thursday 28 August, 6-8 PM, 2601 Ferdinand Avenue, Honolulu ( Manoa)

Friday 29 August 2014, 7-9PM; Hawaii Loa Ridge Club house, 669 Puuikena Dr, East Honolulu

Saturday 30 August 2014, 9AM -4PM; Hawaii Loa Ridge Park (Diamond Head Pavillion), end of Puu'Ikena Drive

Sunday 31 August 2014, 10am-1pm; Hawaii Loa Ridge Park (Diamond Head Pavillion, or Club house if poor weather)


Free. (Dana to Venerable Virañani is welcome)

The practice of loving-kindness (mettā bhāvana) aims at the cultivation of a loving, benevolent attitude towards all living beings. It opens the heart, expands the mind, and allows us to deeply know the landscape of the heart. Since the time of the Buddha, this form of meditation has been used as a practice in itself, and as a support for the development of insight. This is a flexible practice that can be done either formally or at any time during our daily lives.

In this special weekend offering, Venerable Virañani will share the traditional progression of the formal practice of developing mettā. Along the way, we develop skills to arouse genuine loving kindness towards ourselves, our friends, the difficult people in our lives, and all beings. This will be followed by instruction how to establish mindfulness.

These practice sessions are suitable for both beginners and experienced meditators and you are welcome to attend all or some of the sessions as your schedule allows.

As is traditionally the case in the Burma, the teachings are offered on a donation basis.

The Venerable Virañani is an American nun ordained in the Burmese Theravada tradition. She has been a nun for more than eight years and has been living at the Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Center in Burma since 2006. Ven. Virañani has studied the dharma and practiced meditation for many years, sitting numerous long-term retreats. As well as her commitment to the inner work of Buddhist meditation, Ven. Virañani is also deeply involved in compassionate action through her service to yogis in the Meditation Center and her dharma teaching in the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, and Burma. Additionally, she helps organize and distribute funds donated to children and adults in great need in Burma, many of whom are orphans or displaced persons due to Cyclone Nargis. Ven. Virañani edits and distributes the Metta in Action Newsletter.

Note: Please bring your sitting gear (a straw mat and cushion or a chair), a wind/rain jacket, a hat and/or umbrella. Car-pool (from Kawaikui beach park) is encouraged. Do not park outside of the marked stalls or in the upper lot (reserved for hikers). If the lower lot is full, please park on Ikena circle and walk up the stairs to Diamond Head Pavillion at the south (lower) end of the private park.

A vegetarian lunch will be served on Saturday (registration needed for head count). There will be an opportunity for formally offering food to the Venerable Viranani.


Weekend Registration

Open Weekend Registration