Current course

Post date: Nov 09, 2018 3:23:31 AM

Review of Buddhist Meditation Techniques


Introduction to Buddhist Psychology

A series of 5 sessions over 2 weeks offered by Thanh and Xuan Huynh

-Time: 6:30-8:00 pm November 5 through December 3, 2018.

-Place: Bodhi Tree Dharma Center, 654 N Judd St, Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

-Cost: Free (Donation accepted for Bodhi Tree Center and Retreat scholarship fund)

Beginners and drop-in welcome. Each session begins and ends with a guided meditation.

Course Highlights:

Calm/Concentration (samatha) vs Mindffulness/Insight (vipassana) meditation.

Conceptual vs Ultimate Reality (Pannatti vs paramattha dhamma)

Four Foundations of Mindfulness (Satipathana): Body, Feeling tones, Mind, and Phenomena (Kaya, vedana, citta and dhammanupassana).

How to practice in formal setting and in daily life.

Introduction to Buddhist Psychology (Abhidhamma)

Sponsored by HAIB (Hawaii Ass. of International Buddhists) and Honolulu Dhamma Community