Daylong with Jesse 13Sep2014


September 13, 2014, 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM, Palolo Zen Center, Honolulu

Mindfulness practice encourages a profound sensitivity to an ever-changing present. Committing to this

sensitivity without plunging into overwhelm requires care, patience, and strength of heart. Join Jesse at the

beautiful Palolo Zen Center for a day of meditation where we will try our best to find security amidst the unexpected,

beauty in the unknown, and peace within the undependable.

Jesse Maceo Vega-Frey is a teacher of Vipassana (insight) meditation. He was trained by Michele McDonald

and is the resident teacher of Vipassana Hawai’i. Jesse lives on the Big Island of Hawaii and teaches on

the U.S. mainland and around the world. Through his teaching he aims to inspire the skills, determination,

and faith necessary to realize the deepest human freedom.! !

Cost: $30 registration, which covers only the administrative costs of the retreat and

provides no compensation for the teacher. Thus, a voluntary contribution (dana) to

the teacher is strongly encouraged to support his livelihood. No one will be turned

away for lack of funds.! !

Please bring your own vegetarian (Zen center policy) lunch.! !

For further details and to register, please visit us at