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International Journal and academic societies
International Journal and academic societies
- Journal of Research and Practice on Technology Enhanced Learning
- International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning
- AAAI : American Association for Artificial Intelligence: AI Magazine
- AIED: Int. Journal of AI in Education
- IEEE, Journal of Educational Technology & Society,
- IEEE Transaction on Learning Technologies
- The Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
- Human-Computer Interaction: Journal
- Interactive Multimedia Electronic Journal of Computer-Enhanced Learning
- Journal of Interactive Media in Education
- International Journal of Applied Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
- The Journal of the Learning Sciences
- Learning and Memory
- Nature
- Science
- American Psychological Association (APA)
- Elsevier
- Taylor & Francis publisher
- CALL: Computer Assisted Language Learning
- Interactive Learning Environment
- Springer Publishers
- Inderscience
- International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation
- International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Lifelong Learning (IJCEELL)
- International Journal of Technology Enhance Learning
- International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT)
- International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT)
- International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET)
Domestic Journal
Domestic Journal
CSCL: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
CSCL: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning
- ijCSCL: International Journal of CSCL
- CSCL conferences
International Conferences