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Short Bio
I'm a Professor at Learning and Educational Technologies Research Unit, the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, and the Graduate School of Informatics at Kyoto University, Japan.
My research interests include Learning Analytics, Evidence-Based Education, Educational data mining, Educational Data Science, Computer Supported Ubiquitous and Mobile Learning, CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning), CSCW (Computer Supported Collaborative Writing), CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), CSSN (Computer Supported Social Networking), Knowledge Awareness, Personalized, adaptive and smart learning environments. Currently, I'm leading a research project on development of infrastructure for learning analytics and educational data science.
I was a visiting researcher at Center for Lifelong Learning and Design at University of Colorado at Boulder, and a researcher for PRESTO at Japan Science and Technology Agency. I have published more than 700 peer-reviewed papers including SSCI Journals and top international conferences. I have received APSCE Distinguished Researcher Award in 2014, and several Best Paper Awards such as WebNet1999, CollabTech2008, mLearn 2009, ICCE2010, ICCE 2014. and ICALT2015. Also he gave keynote lectures, e.g., at IEEE WMUTE2008 in Beijing, IETC2009 in Turkey, Mobile Learning 2009 in Spain, TeLearn2009 in Taiwan, ICCE2010 in Malaysia, NDT2012 in Dubai, KSET2012 at Seoul, IEEE CRTIT2013 in India, and ICHL2015 in China, and so forth
I'm an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies (SSCI), RPTEL (Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning Journal) and IJMLO (International Journal of Mobile and Learning Organization), and also an editorial board member of IJCSCL (International Journal of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) (SSCI), IJAIED (International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education), SLE (International Journal of Smart Learning Environments) and Journal of Learning Analytics. I'm also an executive committee member of SOLAR (Society of Learning Analytics and Research)(2013-14, 2018-2019) and APSCE (Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, 2010-), and was IamLearn (International Association for Mobile Learning (2007-2011). Currently I'm a Director of Evidence-Driven Education Research Council, Japan.
What's new
LAK24 will be held in Kyoto on March 18-22, 2024.
UNESCO EDUSummIT2023 will be held in Kyoto on May29-June 1, 2023.
ICCE2023 will be held in Matsue, Shimane, on Dec 8-12, 2023.
Research Council on Evidence Driven Education has been started on May 28, 2021