Nevaeh's Salt

Nevaeh's Salt (To Search the New Earth)

- by George B. Hill

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Is it possible to write a novel set in Heaven?

We cannot imagine what Heaven is really like, nor see the face of Jesus. Yet might we not dream? A dying scientist dreams what lies ahead. In Nevaeh’s Salt, he traces a stunning journey that four friends make across God’s re-created New Earth, not long after the Day of Judgement has arrived. The wonders they discover often upend the four friends’ expectations: ‘Nevaeh’—which is pronounced Nev-ay-eh and is not a character but an alternative name for the New Earth—is, literally, Heaven backwards. Other visions—and a nightmare—sometimes break into the dream.

The adventures of the four friends on the New Earth begin when one of them, Derfli, receives a strange command from the Carpenter. The Carpenter has called all four to Him—particularly Sereebi (which is the old scientist’s new name)—to answer an odd question. Where, on the New Earth, might salt still be found? Particularly, since—as the Book of Revelation foretold—in the New Earth there is no longer any sea?

The friends start their search from outside the walls of God’s Holy City. Leaving the City, they discover the River of Life—and delightedly swim across it. Next, they come to the grim Firestone, where they glimpse those who forever flew from the light and so will never return. Then the four meet an unexpected party and soon face the Carpenter Himself—who has a surprise present for them. He sends them on a journey that demands courage and commitment far beyond anything they had expected to need in this new life. Will they ever locate Nevaeh’s Salt? And how will their journey ever end?

And behind them lies the City. As they travel away, will they still share in its joys? The dreamer himself views events in the City only from afar; will he ever see that Face that makes this life seem like the dream?


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