About Me


Who am I? Who is this George B. Hill? Born in 1956, he lives, with his lovely wife of thirty-nine years Christine, in the UK. They have three grown-up children, Joanna, Peter and Angela, plus one lovely granddaughter.

Until 2012, George was a synthetic organic research chemist, with half of his career having been spent in cancer research. He worked for a company that was successively named ICI Pharmaceuticals, Zeneca, then AstraZeneca plc. In spare time at work he learnt a lot about natural and local history; and was a founder member of the industrial Christian Fellowship that met for all of his career at the research labs on the site.

After 34 years in that employment he now explores many things, including writing. He is active in music and youth work mostly at his local Baptist Church, and in Urban Saints youth work, respectively; also in environmental work with A Rocha UK, in all of which he and Christine aim to follow Jesus, who George first encountered at age 11.

George has recorded wildlife (counting ducks, herons and rooks) for 45 years and has spent even longer visiting islands around the British Isles. He photographs rare birds, flowers and insects; he cycles and enjoys hill-walking and occasionally a little fly-fishing.