My Novels

Welcome to my self-published novels page!

'That was the scene which was remembered. They faced each other, the land-man and the merman... From the wing Shart stretched forward into the cockpit. But the red button was still out of reach. He unclipped his trident and stabbed out firmly with its haft. The button shattered with a red flash; but it performed its function. There was a coughing whine and a whoosh from the nose of the subjet. Shart fell backwards off the wing in surprise. A slim, yellow shape sped from a tube and whirred away across the cavern. All eyes turned to the missile...'

That's an extract from The Song of Rockall, my Atlantic legend sci-fi novel (four stars on Amazon). Below are links for info on it, also the four cheerful wildlife & faith stories that form my Lifandoy tetralogy, plus my heavenly fantasy Nevaeh's Salt. Enjoy!

NOVELS by George B. Hill:

(Please click on a title for a summary followed by links TO BUY)

(PS - see also the My Maps page on this website.)