Skating & Conditioning

S-Partner Skate

Marathon Circuit Full Ice

Players start at 1 and sprint to far blue line and then skate slowly back along the dotted line route to spot 2. At spot 2 players will skate hard to the far blue line, stop and return to the near blue line, stop and sprint back to the far blue line. then skate slowly back along the dotted line route to spot 3, then spot 4. The next player can start when the player before him/her reaches the blue line. Players should work from spot 1 to spot 4 then work back down to spot 1. This is 1 rep. Players should do 4 to 8 reps.

Criss Cross Skate:

Place Pucks in 4 corners

1st Variation: Players skate the pattern shown. As players pass each other they are to give a high five. When Player skates last cone, coach makes pass and player takes a shot on net then goes to corner to repeat pattern the opposite direction.

2nd Variation: Same pattern except players must pivot to backwards before high fiving partner and then pivots to forwards around cones

3rd variation: Players skate pattern with pucks