
1. 3 Cone Shooting and Give and Go

3 players leave at same time. Players shoot at or before hash marks then stop in front of net looking for rebound.

Progression: 1st player shoots and stops at top of circle. 2nd player rounds cone passes to player one and player 1 returns pass for a shot. Player 3 passes to player 2 and player 2 returns pass. Player 3 shoots while player 1 and 2 go to net for rebound.

2. Jackson 5

3 skaters run this drill together. 3 shots are taken.1) P1 Skates around circle and shoots

2) P2 Skates the full circle without a puck

3) P3 Skates with a puck towards the inside, loops around face-off dot towards outside

4) P1 picks up a puck in the corner and carries puck to neutral zone and makes a pass to P2.

5) P1 and P2 go in on a 2 on 0 with a shot and look for rebound.

6) P3 cuts towards the net off the wall and shoots. Players look for rebound.

Notes: Make sure the timing is right on this drill so that you don’t have two shooters taking shots at the same time. You want the goalie to square up on the first shooter and then have time to come back to a ready position and defend the 2nfd shot.

3. Bruins High/Low

The first skater leaves, goes around the circle and takes a shot. Second skater leaves from the same corner, gets above the blue line, exchanges with a coach on the far side, and then goes in and takes a shot. The third skater leaves from the opposite end, skates to the far blue, exchanges with a coach and then goes in and takes a third shot. Skaters need to focus on keeping their feet moving, skating with their head up, getting a good release off, and stopping at the net. The drill goes out of both ends simultaneously, with coaches constantly exchanging with skaters from both sides.

4. Shooting Lane Warm-up:

· Players skate the pattern seen in diagram, alternating sides

· Coaches then pass the puck to players and players make pass to the shooting lane.

· Players take shot on net then look for a new pass from the coach

5. 4 Shot Drill

1. Coach passes puck to F entering blue line

2. F skates hard into zone before executing a tight turn towards board around obstacle

3. F drives seam and fires quick shot on net

4. F sets up and takes one timer from pass from coach in corner

5. F skates around and picks up a puck in opposite corner, drives up wall and through seam for 3rd shot.

6. F takes a one timer 4th pass from coach in corner.

- Run from both sides

~10 minutes