Fermat’s LAST equation gives Fermat’s LAST bull-shit TIME equation

Post date: Nov 9, 2020 4:02:50 AM

Fermat’s LAST equation gives Fermat’s LAST bull-shit TIME equation

Rd-blog-number-4152 by Herb Zinser reviews applications of Fermat’s LAST Theorem … known as an approximation equation.

Let’s look a major atomic SPACE/ TIME application of Fermat’s LAST theorem.

Fermat code –> symbol components –> Fer + mat –> Ferrous oxide IRON atom mathematics

We look at the calendar month of February.


february calendars

The code word February –> subset code Fe –> Ferrous oxide iron atom

The 28 day TIME schedule is determined by the IRON-54 isotope 28 neutrons in your body.

Thus we see word February –> subset letters –> fe y –> Fermat’s equation with variable y.

iron iso 5
picture - logan 16

Thus, day n becomes the exponent in the equation.

Of, interest is day n = 14 –> the Valence electron ..social science day known as St. Valentine’s Day.



Saint Valentine’s Day, also known as Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is a holiday observed on February 14 each year. It is celebrated in many …

Valentine’s Day (2010 film) – ‎Saint Valentine – ‎Valentine’s Day (disambiguation)

Thus, we see the chemistry and physics ….. special message day.

valence 4
valence 3

http://www.timeanddate.com › … › Holidays › United States

Time and Date

Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14

february 14 valentine

Since, FE = ferrous oxide IRON atom with 28 neutron days …we see a 1/2 life sign ..number 14.

Perhaps ….. this a a new expression format of life ….. that starts anew each year.

Perhaps …14 is the exponent of y in Fermat’s equation.

Perhaps ..14 is a LINK to the nitrogen molecule ….. with DNA nitrogenous bases and/or the BOTANY nitrogen cycle.

But 14 might be linked to human blood … hence, the red color of Valentine’s day.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of t…

by HB Stuhrmann – ‎1981 – ‎Cited by 28 – ‎Related articles

data shows that the configuration of the four iron atoms in hemo- globin can be … Human blood


The adult human body contains approximately 5 liters (5.3 quarts) of blood which … Each molecule of hemoglobin contains four iron atoms, and each iron atom …

Therefore 4 Fe (Ferrous oxide IRON atom) on Fe (February 14th) –> 4 multiply 14 = 56

4 iron atoms in red blood on the bio-schedule Valentine’s day of 14 ….. do the calculation 4 X 14 = 56 –> IRON-56 and math logic

iron iso  5

Thus on February 14 .. the human bio-computer JOB schedule …… the human blood SYMBOL PROCESSOR activates its math logic engine ..that was built inside the human body …. in year 1910 using equations and symbols and concepts,etc.

cover prin math

Let’s look at anothy month with the y compont.

May –> Fermat’s equation y component

Of interest, is the OHIO math experiment ….. on May 4.



The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre or the Kent State massacre) occurred at Kent State University in the US city of Kent, Ohio, and …

Jeffrey Miller – ‎Mary Ann Vecchio – ‎Allison Krause – ‎Kent State University

kent state 7

Now, Fermat’s equation May 4th –> implies subset symbols y 4 –> y exponent 4.

Thus we can reach into the FERMAT …Ferrous oxide math ….. various dimensions of existence ..as outlined by M-theory and string theory.

What we mean to suggest ..the possibility ..that Fermat’s LAST equation has different existences in different existential dimensions.

In formal mathematics at Princeton University with Andrew Wiles, we have the his accomplishment.

In less formal …. concept math …… practical results count.

What does Fermat’s LAST Theorem accomplish in helping the human brain perceive and explain REALITY and data streams of consciousness that may underlie EXPRESSION events.

Thus … let’s assume a model … that we have multi-faceted dimensions of NATURE’s Sartre existentialism ..and that in use ….Fermat’s equation … symbol n to mean … different n-spaces with their information contents.

Thus we have an EARTHLY space/time continuum and human activities and events occur within that continuum …

and the data stream generated is stored/ recorded by Nature ….. at various sites in n-space (such as the EARTH ferrous oxide IRON core or the North Pole magnetic DATA FIELDS or gravity DATA FIELDS).

Thus .. now that the brain is free to use more perceptions …. of Fer = Ferrous oxide with February 14 and Fermat’s concepts ..we look again ..below

kent state 7

May 4–> 5th month 4th day –> number 54 –> possible reference to iron-54 isotope and the month of February.

Mary Ann V, 14 year –> codes V 14 –> Valentine’s day 14.

Thus the Kent State EVENT was created by Nature to generate a referback signal about ….

february 14 valentine


iron iso 5

What other months end with math variable –> y?

calemdar months days

Thus we have 4 months that end with y.





The months that are members of the partitioned data sets of COMPUTER EARTH base 16 hex space/hex time ..

are the last 4 months ..the 4 ferrous oxide iron atoms of blood + Fermat;s LAST 4 months theorem





Thus the human bio-computer BAL instruction months end in code –> BER.

System z Instructions

Operation Code List

078x BER Branch if Equal

ber instruction  bal months

Thus in year 2015 ..Dr.WHO fans ..lazy people that ought study TIME.



Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy is 1994 a popular science book by physicist Kip Thorne. It provides an illustrated overview of the .


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Thus the military message code –. TIME WAR neutrons ..reference to the February 28 neutrons of IRON-54 isotope in your blood.

Are you ready for the next LEAP YEAR?

http://www.timeanddate.com › Calendar

Time and Date

A Leap Year consists of 366 days where February 29 is added as an extra day at the end of February. When is the next Leap Year?

Finally, we review the May 4, 1970 shootings at Kent Sate.

Force = ma …… is a physics equation

in the social sciences ..the perception would be

social engineering force = may 4th , 1970

Thus social force = mass X acceleration Y 4th –> X ac( 1st letter + 3rd letter = 4) –> mass X 4 y 4 –> approximates Z 4 dimensions Very speculative, but ??