The DR.WHO time calenDAR for Darth Vader and COVID-19

Post date: Nov 9, 2020 4:22:38 AM


time calenDAR for Darth Vader DEATH

and the arrival of COVID-19

Corona Virus for year 1964

Corona Park, Flushing toilet letters,

Queue of human Queens ,


Astronomy battle on EARTH

Solar system …..

SUN Corona …….. sunlight EM-field designed …..

Corona military molecules

VS human bull-shit ERROR families

RD-blog-number-4341 by Herb Zinser reviews the calendar used in the United States of North America.

Using brain thought circuit technology developed by Dr.WHO … that is … one ought learn to self-study math and science textbook ….. as a hobby give the brain the symbol tools and concepts it needs to think clearly.

Let’s look at the months …. using Isaac Asimov’s psychohistory concept of math/ symbol equations.

calemdar months days

January –> J + an + u + = ary –> Job atomic number union array …

thus the algebraic union of 2 informations sets: the periodic atomic table and the linear algebra matrices with rows and columns


february calendars

The code word February –> subset code Fe –> Ferrous oxide iron atom

The 28 day TIME schedule is determined by the IRON-54 isotope 28 neutrons in your body.

iron iso 5

March –> advanced organic chemistry TIME

march chemistry
picture  - atoms  march data

Thus we see the hydrocarbon molecular code –> the Darwinian selection process

–> Selma March –> Sel + ma + March –> selection map (Jerry) March

using Jerry Lewis (Lewis dot structure) and the March of Dimes (reference to

the military march of dimensions of string theory and M-theory existential physics)

April –> Ap + ril –> Map riddle

April Fool’s day and April 16th ………

picture  - hex 2

Thus April Fool –> Fool –> Fo + 01 –>

base 16 Hex’Fo’ = 240 and Hex’01’ = one = decimal 01

In the United States ..federal income taxes are due by April 15.

Thus we have April 01 thru April15 ….. the range of the Base 16 hexadecimal table ..shown above.

atom table 6


Thus we have Base 16 oxygen LIFE FORMS in humanoid format ….

that may have some self-awareness of their own existence …and that their bio-computer LU = Logical Unit (LUNGS) breathe INPUT elements …. atomic table element Oxygen base 16

The IRS group .. known to INTERNAL biology system specialists as the INTERNAL (medicine) Revenue Code.

The IRS is really an administrative extension of the primary. existential IRS –> Infra-Red Systems ….

that is infra-red body heat …skin emissions of hot women in bedrooms.

Thus a major porttion of tax collected by the Federal governments is given to the housing industry …

to construct more bedrooms with elaborate bathrooms …. hence, the dermatology skin economic system.

Thus we have the SYMBOL MACHINE code word –> Federal –> Fe + der + al –> Female dermatology algorithms …..

used for social engineering and control of society. Notice, the absence of reference to brain development of SYMBOL HOUSES containing ideas, equations, formula, etc .

Only lumber houses with cement basements …… that is called development ……

then the bedroom is used to develop the penis head ….. while the forehead with math and physics ideas is ignored.

May –> May Day .. May Day …. the calendar crises ..the TIME WAR on Earth in year 2015.

June –> known for HUMAN bio-computer weddings


…………………………………OS/JCL dd = data definition

Thus year 1944 …….wedding day …. DEATH


Although the term DDay is used routinely as military lingo for the day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the …

The 6th month (JUNE) and the 6th day –> code 66 –>

Route 66  5

Year 1944 –> number 4 and number 4 –> Location in alphabet – letter d and letter d.

Thus dd = the data definition of death LINK to wedding day.


Month of July –> 4th of July (7th month) –> the 4 DNA nucleotides with nitrogen bases (atomic number 7) and the molecular cell biology . engineering expression …known as the Constitution of the United States.

nitrogen base   1

AUG –> biochemistry DNA and RNA units —> Adenine, Uracil, Guanine …notice number 9 ..

that is …. adenine = ade 9 (which is the 9th month September)

……………guanine = gua 9 (which is the 9th month September)

Thus August abbreviation AUG –> suggests 99 the inverse of gravity number 66.

Thus we come to September –> September 11 and the World Trade Center message processing region.

September (9th month) multiply 11th day =- 99 –> referback to August code 99 –> referback to INVERSE 66 of month of June.

Thus we have the World Trade Center …… before

world trade before

Above, normal gravity ……

Below, the inverse gravity message code of 9th month 11 day –> 99 –> 99 Cents in a grocery store with 99 Cents of centrifugal force of the EARTH’s daily roatation on its axis.

manhattan rubble  debris 1

October –> symbol O = Oxygen and O = optics (astrology month of Libra = Library books)

Nov 20, 2009 – Libra September 23 – October 22 Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac, and itÕs at this point in the zodiac that we start to see a shift. While the.

November —> symbol N = Nitrogen and abbrivaited word Nove –> Novel (thus october optics library is followed by novel clue)

December –> Dec–> Decimal Number systems used by Jesus Christ as a carpenter.

Decemebr 25 celebrates the usage of right triangle … plane geometry calculations by Jesus Christ in his carpentry work.

right triangle   5

Below, a war veteran in the battle over the legs of a right triangle.

newsweek soldier  right triangle legs
right tri 3

Thus Christmas Day …the 25th .. a HIGH SCHOOL plane geometry and algebra …. day of celebration.

Christmas eve night …..

SNOW WHITE and the seven

Dwarfs give thanks to nitrogen 7 military bases and C.P. SNOW