Post date: Nov 10, 2020 6:36:57 AM
Wronskian equation flowchart explains EARTH geo-political systems
RD-blog-number-4398 by Herb Zinser reviews the information database of ebola …which provides CLUES about SYMBOL language and equation diseases and other formats of expression.
The Wronskian differential math equation PROCESS gets involved in this analysis process …and helps us understand geo-political science differences.
In addition, these other formats of expression LOOK at the Salvador Dali message about EARTH geography political systems. His year 1943 message was a subconscious MIND clue about something …and in year 2015 … we can extend beyond the vague 1943 something ..starting CLUE.
Salvador Dalí Museum
Having broken with Surrealism, Dali reacted against the abstraction of modern … Geopoliticus Child reflects the newfound importance America held for the world …
Nov 1, 2013 – S. Dali, Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943. In the very middle of WWII which was a kind of existential resume of …
Let’s look at another blog post that covers many concepts …… and then we will outline the bio-mtah factor behind the 2 sides of European thought …….. Eastern Europe (Russia and communism) and Western Europe.
E.bol.A geography SYMBOL disease
explained with help of the Wronskian equation
Rd-blog-number-4148 by Herb Zinser reviews the SYMBOL MACHINE lanaguage disease known as ebola.
THe English language ..the living language helps explain the VOWEL symbol disease.
Let’s look at keyword –> ebola and vowels .. a,e,i,o,u.
eBOLa –> letter components –> a + BOL + e —> giving a + SYMBOL + e
The huamn brain is a SYMBOL PROCESSOR … optical /eye SYMBOLS or verbal sound wave images of SYMBOLS.
THe English language ..the living language helps explain the VOWEL symbol disease.
Let’s look at keyword –> ebola and vowels .. a,e,i,o,u.
eBOLa –> letter components –> a + BOL + e —> giving a + SYMBOL + e
vowels .. a,e,i,o,u . –> and Computer EARTH system 370 using EARTH Language …we recognize some of the vowels
i, o, u –> input / output universe (the EARTH universe of languages, music code, color pattern SECRET CODES broadcast on television , food languages, cotton and polyester clothes fashion languages, etc)
Thus … 2 vowels remain ….
a implies audio and alphabet, algebra, algorithm content to eye or ear
e implies e =2.718 natural number and eye input content
The SYMBOL MACHINE language concept analysis tools suggest that the living language is SYMBOL LIFE …hence, Darwin evolution of symbol thoughts and ideas.
Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in math and science textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo’s suggestions of ” 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS” we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces……. the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories – Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Now, let’s look at EARTH geography languages
THe English langauge ..the living language helps explain the VOWEL symbol disease.
Let’s look at keyword …as an EARTH geography word –> ebola and vowels .. a,e,i,o,u.
eBOLa –> letter components –> a + BOL + e —> giving a + SYMBOL + e –> africa SYMBOL europe
Thus we have africa with vowel a ..occuring twice
We have europe with vowel e occuring twice
Both geography continent words are 6 letters long …with leading and trailing vowels.
The existence of these 2 occurences of a vowel in one word ….. on both sides …. suggests the Wronskian equation.
Lamar University
In the previous section we introduced the Wronskian to help us determine whether two solutions were a fundamental set of solutions. In this section we will look …
It is used in the study of differential equations, where it can sometimes be used to show … 1 Definition; 2 The Wronskian and linear independence; 3 Generalized …
Abel’s identity – Józef Maria Hoene-Wroński – Variation of parameters
The math problem I had in differential equations.
These vague memories remain about the technique of partitioning
the problem into 2 parts solving each part and then combining the answer at the end.
Now ………. these vague memories of my brief math ambitions in college …. recently returned …from my subconscious mind MEMORY.
Looking at ebola ..vowel e …………. europe … europe ……….. europe ……. e e …….. e e ? ? ?
Thus ….. looking at the situation ..we see europe as an EARTH mathematical expression surface … using the geography surface of europe.
Thus … proper noun CODE —> europe –> e …. rope …… e ………..looking at those concepts in year 2015 …. I recognize the Wronskian equation flowchart … the technique of that FSU differential equations problem … long ago.
The rope …… are the long vertical lines ..on the sides … that represent the several math steps ..of calculations.
Thus …we see the EARTH mathematical-physics geography surface …….. and the particular EARTH region of europe is a Wronskian calculation surface region
NATURE’s systems … probably using 2-legged human bio-math bio-computers
4-legged animals as bio-computer SYMBOL PROCESSORS.
Thus ….if europe has a Wronskian equation format …
because of the 2 occurrences of IDENTIFIER natural number e (2.718)
to English language alphabet vowel e
then perhaps africa …with 2 occurrences of vowel a …may have a Wronskian expression.
Then …we see eBOLa …as a SYMBOL disease of many symbols and equations and formula
Generalized Wronskians
in other word …SYMBOL MACHINE military code with
General Wronskian
The above military ROLE in the SYMBOL world is then assigned to a human to handle that SYMBOL earthly UNIVERSE job position.
For n functions of several variables, a generalized Wronskian is the determinant of an n by n matrix with entries Di(fj) (with 0 ≤ i n), where each Di is some constant coefficient linear partial differential operator of order i. If the functions are linearly dependent then all generalized Wronskians vanish. As in the 1 variable case the converse is not true in general: if all generalized Wronskians vanish, this does not imply that the functions are linearly dependent. However, the converse is true in many special cases. For example, if the functions are polynomials and all generalized Wronskians vanish, then the functions are linearly dependent.
For example, President n represented n function of several variables ….. in the EARTH geo-math war region of Vietnam.
Math president n –> Nixon.
For the ink PEN SYMBOL LIFE …military writing instruments ..ink Pen –> Pentagon
The role of General Wronskain –> General W –> was assigned to the closet, best approximation to code
General W –> General Westmoreland.
William Westmoreland (March 26, 1914 July 18, 2005) was a United States Army four-star general. General Westmoreland was in command of all U.S. military operations in the Vietnam War from 1964 to 1968, including during the 1968 Tet Offensive. Westmoreland adopted a strategy of attrition against the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army. He served as U.S. Army chief of staff from 1968 to 1972.
William Childs Westmoreland (March 26, 1914 July 18, 2005) was a United States Army four–star general. General Westmoreland was in command of all U.S.
United States Army four–star general
United States Army four–star general
United States Army four–star general –> he was military commander for fourier functions.
The goals for the course are to gain a facility with using the Fourier transform, both specific … The Dirac delta, distributions, and generalized transforms. … relating the theoretical principles to solving practical engineering and science problems.
Lectures – Handouts – Assignments
using the Fourier transform, both specific … The Dirac delta, distributions —-> applied math –> four star general and Mekong (DIRAC ) delta region in Vietnam.
Linear Independence and the Wronskian
Another CLUE about europe and its Carl Jung collective unconsciousness bio-math SECRET of the people (GROUP MIND)
Below …….. Ae …Africa europe ?? maybe and maybe not …more RD is needed.
Ae –> a e ……. reverse these vowel sequence e, a …….. to CAUSE …… e SYMBOL a ..sequence ERROR disease –> e BOL a.
Thus we have some possible CLUES about eBOLa ……… that LANGUAGE errors inside the human body ..weaken the body information system …… making it vulnerable to a virus attack.
Now. let’s look at Europe again ………..
In 1972, Europe was divided between the democratic countries of western Europe and the communist-controlled nations of eastern Europe. West Germany was a …
Thus we see the 2 sides of number e = 2.718 …in a sense … a living EARTH cell
… double-helix natural number expression
….. VIA geography political configurations.
Natural number
There is no universal agreement about whether to include zero in the set of natural numbers. Some authors begin the natural numbers with 0, corresponding to the non-negative integers 0, 1, 2, 3, …, whereas others start with 1, corresponding to the positive integers 1, 2, 3, …
Natural number …. of EARTH LANGUAGE math
….. ural
….. ural MOUNTAINS
The highest peak of the Urals,
Mount Narodnaya, (elevation 1,895 m (6,217 ft))
was …. Other notable peaks lie along the Iremel
mountain ridge (Bolshoy Iremel and …
Mountain formation near Saranpaul.jpg,
Rochers dans les montagnes de l ..
Maths Is Fun
at FermiLAB and Navy Pier Chicago).
Transcendental Numbers – Logarithmic Function Reference – Factorial Function
http://www.rapidtables.com Math Numbers
The e constant is real and irrational number. e =
2.718281828459… …
The derivative of the natural logarithm function is
the reciprocal function: (loge x)’ = (ln x)’ …
The number e is, compared to π, a relative newcomer
on the mathematics scene. … This is the property that
makes e the base of natural logarithms, but this was …
An “alp” refers to a high mountain pasture where cows are
brought to for … with the Pennine Alps
from Mont Blanc to the Matterhorn and Monte Rosa on ….
the Alps was climbed with the first ascent of the
Eiger Nordwand (north face of the Eiger). …
Monte Rosa, 4,634 m (15,203 ft),
Pennine Alps ·
Jungfrau, 4,158 m (13,642 ft) …
Geography of the Alps – Swiss Alps – Gotthard Pass – Jungfraujoch
Andean cock-of-the-rock – Altiplano – Alpamayo – Tropical Andes
Thus we see math and geography and health are intertwined
… a concept explained …
Barnes & Noble
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