Heart Attack codes

Post date: Nov 8, 2020 9:06:35 PM

The language of women

may cause heart attacks.

Rd-blog-number-4216 by Herb Zinser reviews the command power of words upon the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

Let's look at a SYMBOL MACHINE suggestion ..the word ..




noun: omen; plural noun: omens

    1. an event regarded as a portent of good or evil.

    2. "the ghost's appearance was an ill omen"

      • prophetic significance.

      • "the raven seemed a bird of evil omen"

Thus we have a word that older males ought try to understand.

We now look at the female associations of older males.

They associate with females .. and females talk a lot ...using their mount to generate harmonic sound waves.

Thus we see the component of the

1st harmonic fundamental wave .... of talking blabber nonsense.

1st harmonic fundamental wave .

1st harmonic fundamental wave .

1st harm ...............mental wave .

Who talks?





the nature, characteristics, or feelings often attributed to women; womanliness. 6. a sweetheart or paramour; mistress. 7. a female employee or representative:.

Women's movement - ‎Women's rights - ‎Women's-liberation - ‎Womenfolk

Thus a group of women

Thus a group of women

....... a group of women ... subset word -->

..........a group of .. omen

Thus Nature's symbol machine language analysis tools provide us with some clues about the male BRAIN command processor.

Heart attack

Heart attack ...... subset code CLUE ..

...ear...attack ..caused by music or talking nonsense to the amle BRAIN symbol processor

Thus the Monica Lewinsky PRESIDENTIAL message ...

...............Monic and her oscillating mouth language DEMO ......

VIA message format ...



the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible

Monic , harm ..harmonic ...

messenger.... monica Lewinsky --> sky code --> implies atmosphere of air molecules..... sound waves are composed of air pressure waves