Earth BATTERY battles explained by Darryl Adams ….. data array murder In Jamaica Queens NYC
Post date: Nov 12, 2020 2:00:24 AM
Earth BATTERY battles explained by
Darryl Adams …..
data array murder
In Jamaica Queens NYC
RD-blog-number-4508 by Herb Zinser reviews the EARTH electron geography surface and the human brain electron circuit WAR news available in newspapers.
Let’s look at some blog posts that outline the some tragic BATTERY WAR code situations.
Rd-blog-number-4509 by Herb Zinser reviews Nature’s systems output messages for science researchers.
The cryptic messages are printed in newspapers and are embedded within larger articles.
In this blog we are interested in the EARTH wars ….. with SYMBOL MACHINE identifier BA = BATTERY …. a source of voltage and energy for flashlights, portable radios, and starting motor vehicles.
Let’s look at the evolution of BATTERY technology into social engineering expressions systems …. in the environment of
the EARTHLY M-theory, 11-dimensions of string theory, and existential physics.
This was later increased to 11 dimensions based on various interpretations of …. Excellent references on string theory and M-theory for the layperson and expert.
Now let’s look at the BATTERY expression.
Keep in mind, that humans and human institutions are subsets embedded within the larger context of EARTH systems.
We repeat other blog posts that outline some BATTERY examples.
The death of Hannah Graham
in the neuroscience
voltage-sensing domain WARS in Virginia
RD-blog-number-4491 by Herb Zinser reviews the state of VIRGINIA voltage equation … as a factor in Nature’s created signaling EVENT .. that being the death of Hannah Graham.
The tragic event ….
Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 ? c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death:
Now let’s look at the BATTERY expression.
Keep in mind, that humans and human institutions are subsets embedded within the larger context of EARTH systems.
We repeat other blog posts that outline some BATTERY examples.
The death of Hannah Graham
in the neuroscience
voltage-sensing domain WARS in Virginia
RD-blog-number-4491 by Herb Zinser reviews the state of VIRGINIA voltage equation … as a factor in Nature’s created signaling EVENT .. that being the death of Hannah Graham.
The tragic event ….
Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 ? c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death:
Now let’s look at the BATTERY expression.
Keep in mind, that humans and human institutions are subsets embedded within the larger context of EARTH systems.
We repeat other blog posts that outline some BATTERY examples.
The death of Hannah Graham
in the neuroscience
voltage-sensing domain WARS in Virginia
RD-blog-number-4491 by Herb Zinser reviews the state of VIRGINIA voltage equation … as a factor in Nature’s created signaling EVENT .. that being the death of Hannah Graham.
The tragic event ….
Murder of Hannah Graham – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hannah Graham (February 25, 1996 ? c. September 13, 2014) was an 18-year-old second-year British American student at the University of Virginia who went …
Disappeared: September 13, 2014 (aged …
Cause of death:
Let’s look at SYMBOL MACHINE alphabet codes from Virginia TECH English department with the MR.CHO equation…..
letter –> . A B C D E F G H I J K
location–>1 3 8 11
Thus the CHO subset equation CH –> 3 + 8 –> 11 –> K
Now, let’s look at the neuroscience WARS at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VIR.
Let’s look at that SYMBOL MACHINE language equation again…………
Charlottesville, VIRGINIA.
Charlottesville, VIR electricity equation
Ch = K (3 + 8 = 11) and equation Voltage = IR
Thus CH –> K-channel of neurroscience and hence…Nature’s selection of the city of K …city of Ch –> Charlottesville for its message .. via the data generating EVENT of Hannah Graham
…with her BA code –> British-America code
… BA –> information pointer to BA = Battery
…and of course, her presence in the State of VIR(GINIA) ……….. thus she was a human parallel model to ….. the battery circuits below.
The above EXTERNAL images and data and circuits models with associated SYMBOL maps
… suggest they may be super-symmetry existential physics
… message MIRRORS to some
INTERNAL neuroscience brain diagram.
Above words –> voltage-sensing domain …. thus Nature’s natural SYMBOL selection of the STATE of MIND code –> VIR ..and the choice of the geography state of VIR for the data generating signaling EVENT …
using the BA = Battery code associated to British-America Hannah Graham ….and then her death by some type of violence …. assault and battery.
EXCLUSIVE: LJ’s Timeline |
Sep 25, 2014 – In the days since 18-year-old Hannah Graham went missing, …… the random man in a wrestling hold is battery, notassault, and battery is worse …
Thus we have some message by Nature’s systems that we ought understand.
Because of this imbalance of positively charged ions across the membrane the inside of the resting neuron is negative relative to the outside. This difference in voltage is called the membrane potential. A typical membrane potential for a neuron at rest, the resting potential, is -0.07 volts, or -70 mV.…/
The Neuron as a Ba –> British-American batttery circuit symbol
the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things
with a symbolic meaning
by expressing the invisible
intangible by means of visible
Below, her back … that is ..
her subconscious mind neurons …. feedback
signal to British and American researchers
..on the BA = Battery war codes.
On Sept 11, 2001 the battery war took place in the Battery Park region of Manhattan.
Manhattan Assault & Battery – FindLaw Lawyers Directory ? … ? New York ? Manhattan
Results 1 – 20 of 39 – Manhattan, NY Assault & Battery — Plaintiff lawyers with detailed profiles and recommendations. Find yourManhattan, NY Assault & Battery …
The next blog post …… mention the Burgess battery MESSAGE factor in Nature’s created event.
Analysis of the Darryl Adams, South Jamaica ,
Queens SCIENCE WAR murder.
News signals ignored by citizens and their governments.
Do you have SCIENCE WAR battery protection insurance?
The modern mathematical-physics war claims hundreds of civilian casualties every week.
Z-insurance is valuable (presently not available).
Z = atomic number of positive protons inside your brain
Z = complex variable math health improves facial complexion for adult older females
Z = integer bio-math life
Z = X,Y,Z geometry coordinates for 3-D algebra social activities
How does this work!
THE DATA OF ETHICS (1879) by Herbert Spencer
by Herbert Spencer … in correspondence with external coexistences and sequences; and still more of that abridged and less specific formula, in which Life is said to be the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations. (§7 ¶1) …
In other words…..we live in an atomic/ astrophysics continuum on Earth Lab. Our lives are embedded in the continuum. Our daily activities occur within that continuum.
That said……let’s look at the atomic side of the continuum. Atoms and molecules of Nature …via atomic evolution …over millions of bio-chemistry development years ….constructed many biology structures .. including humans.
We are composed of atoms amd molecules. We are a Carl Jung atomic collective with thoughts. The atoms within us ..have their INTERNAL thoughts …and some of those thoughts rise to a level of conscious expression …and thus may appear in the EXTERNAL world of daily activities …. in display format VIA the messenger vehicle… the atomic bio-physics humanoid.
Thus ..when accidents or crimes occur……there may be a deeper level of REALITY expressed ….. that deeper REALITY being composed of mathematical-physics components, biochemistry structures, music audio commands, etc.
Let’s look at examples of the modern Margaret Mead atomic anthropology war analysis of war casualties.
–> Example … tragic data event
Rosedale girl, 16, killed in Brooklyn – Queens Chronicle: Eastern …
Sep 29, 2011 ? Kyanna Thomas, 16, of 19th Road in Rosedale, was stabbed to death in Brooklyn over the weekend, and the NYPD is still looking for the …
The report of September 29, 2011 is a signal regarding 29 electrons of copper, 20 standard amino acids, and math integer 11 within the SKU11.
FermiLAB bio-physics math-life director of odd integers in atomic math has identifiers: Odd Integers start at one = 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 . 11.
For Earthly SCIENCE NEWS reports, science magazine editors refer to the proper noun: Pier ODDONE.
Here the key physics words/numbers are
……. Thomas, 16, of 19th Road with the key COULOMBS signal
……………….. 16, of 19th Road —> see numbers below
Coulomb force (physics) — Britannica Online Encyclopedia – Similar
attraction or repulsion of particles or objects because of their electric charge. One of the basic physical forces, the electric force is named for a French physicist, …
–> example
On Sunday morning, two days after 19-year-old Darryl Adams was murdered outside South Jamaica Houses, his mother was methodically placing candles outside the door to their apartment complex. A makeshift memorial had sprung up and friends and family members dropped by to give her hugs and write messages on a poster.
Shanta Merritt arranges candles in a makeshift memorial for her son Darryl Adams. Photo by Christina Santucci
–> the DATA of the coulomb physics component factor in the murder
Police cuffed 16-year-old Alexander Burgess,
of 88-34 161 St. in Jamaica and
19-year-old Sean Barnhill, of 137-39 224 St. in
Laurelton minutes after Adams was gunned down near 107-11 159th St. at about 12:20 a.m, according to police.
The number 137 –> information pointer to
The four fundamental forces … The history of physics has been one … The four numbers he seems to be talking about are the
electromagnetic coupling (1/137 …
ages 16 and 19 …..give us the coulombs bio-physics war signal
cuffed IBM base 16 HEX/cursed ….. bio-computer specimen 16-year-old Bur buffer agent … Burgess
— word –> cuffed implies atom symbol Cu = 29 electron cops /copper police of elementary physics VIA human police …representatives for the periodic atomic table government of Margaret Mead nuclear family atomic anthropology
—— name Burgess implies electrons and electricity systems
Charles Frederick Burgess – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
His relationship with the French Battery Company deteriorated, and so in 1917
he founded the Burgess Battery Company, which became an important …
A Burgess battery was a specialized dry cell battery that was marketed to professionals such as…
Thus we have molecular cell biology and Central Nervous System cell electron circuits and their thoughts ……on social engineering and brain engineering ……. messages about the atomic bio-physics human brain and its symbolic abilities and self-awareness.
Thus we see the Virginia TECH invent new technology …..the new English language sentence ….the DEATH sentence word commands.
Police cuffed 16-year-old Alexander Burgess ……
becomes the new Darwinian evolution version of the
Burgess eliminator …… the shooting murder.
For the tortious aspects of battery, see Battery (tort). …. Woollin [1998] 4 All ER 103; although this decision specifically applies to the law of murder, it is generally …
If you are charged with assault, battery, manslaughter or murder, call the Law Firm for representation.
Thus we see the TALE of 2 Cities.
1) the city of symbols, nouns, verbs, math equations, science formula and their influence on the brain symbolic bio-computer and its social behavior decisions.
then a process/ a mapping / a transformation from symbolic life TO
2) the physical world of humans and daily events. The anger of the symbolic world may then be expressed VIA violence by human agents .
Thus William Shakespeare clearly explained the fundamental, underlying process around year 1600
” The WORLD is a stage and Burgess Battery is a player via Alexander Burgess”.
Virginia TECH English department and other univerisities can explain the language word command tricks, schemes and the crime scripts ….
used to program student brain bio-computers.Virginia TECH will not help explain the William Shakespeare performance of a tragedy on April 16 with Mr.CHO ….the CHOSEN Shakespearean actor”.
Thus we see pieces to many puzzles about SCIENCE, language commands to the brain, and crime.
The above bio-physics WAR code 137 is related to another EM signaling EVENT ……. ? Physics ? General Physics
Last updated: May 10, 2003 ·
20 posts ·
First post: May 07, 2003
The four fundamental forces … The history of physics has been one … The four numbers he seems to be talking about are the electromagnetic coupling (1/137 …
THe murderer at the Township of EMMET of Haroon Khan by Travis Zoellick in Wisconsin.
Keyword code –> EMMET –> EM + MET –> Electro-Motive forces intercation with Metabolism
59 Experiment # 4 Batteries: emf?s & Internal Resistances Page 59 Experiment # 4 Batteries: Electro-motive Forcesand Internal Resistances Principles
Electromotive force, also called emf (denoted and measured in volts is the voltage developed by any source of electrical energy such as a battery or dynamo. ? … ? Milwaukee County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 7, 2008 – Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi LancerEvolution, and … is accused of knowing about Khan’s murder but not telling authorities. ? News ? Waukesha County
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 8, 2008 – … murder in the Oct. 1 homicide of 31-year-oldHaroon Khan, who was … was obsessed with obtaining a Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and on …