Spider Walker - Hannah Graham .... DEATH sub-routine prepares to WALK the earth

Post date: Nov 10, 2020 12:51:29 AM

Book-049 analysis report by Herb Zinser

Spider Walker - Hannah Graham

Spider Walker

Spider Walker

Spider Walker …. Death walks the earth

DEATH sub-routine prepares to WALK the earth

Book-049 analysis report by Herb Zinser reviews the neuroscience WAR messages revealed in a STAR WARS book.

Book authors often intercept various data streams of thought that originate at various levels ...and those intercepted thoughts .... may then be indirectly expressed VIA some story in a book.

The thoughts may originate at some Carl Jung collective unconscious level (the community GROUP MIND) and then rise up thru the various levels of the subconscious ..trying to reach a surface level of expression.

The thoughts may originate at an atomic/molecular social science level (with its own language)

..and thus ...as the thoughts rise up .... that language is intercepted by authors and they attempt to translate it ..... using words, concepts, themes (like Star Wars or a cowboy western) .... and finally the book.

The readers job is to take the authors perceptions AND interpretations .... and equate some of those book messages .... to REAL events reported in newspapers.

Let's look an example.

Let's look at Cavendish Labs secret experiments.

Keyword --> Spider --> subset components --> Spi + der --> dermatology .. skin languages ..such as infra-red heat language emitted by human skin

Thus we are interested in the existence .... an application example of the Spider Walker concept ...... and its implant instructions into the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.

Keywords --> Spider Walker ..suggested need empirical data ..

...........................der walker

......................dermatology/skin walker

....such as the well-known news photograph

The key human thermodynamics signal .....number 37 .... shown below.


Indeed, a normal body temperature of a healthy person is in the vicinity of 37 ... you may know it as 98.6 °F (as you can easily verify using our online converter).

Thus we have pieces to the STAR WARS demo of Spider Walker and Cambridge University will not allow INTELLECTUAL prisoners at Cavendish Labs to help research this situation and others.