Covid-19 and Ebola

Post date: Nov 10, 2020 6:50:14 AM

Dr.WHO –> TIME Doctor explains


RD-blog-number-4394 by Herb Zinser reviews eBOLa disease in COMPUTER EARTH geography region of Base 16 hexadecimal symbols …. A and F ..with hex’A’ = 10 and Hex’F’ = 15.

picture  - hex 2

In addition, we have TIME disease in AFrica …. the SALVADOR DALI message ..Persistence of Memory.

persistence salvador dali africa

Above…. the watch shaped like the continent of Africa …… pointing to 7 and 11.

Of course, that is the well-known WAR at Fort Hood Texas ..with codes Fort Ho = Hour ..implies clock .. implies watch.


On November 5, 2009, a mass murder took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people ……/Was-Fort-Hood-gunman-Muslim-Maj…

Daily Mail

Aug 4, 2013 – On the eve of Major Nidal Hassan’s trial, due to start Tuesday, 148 victims … Video footage, right,

shows him shopping at a 7-11 store wearing a …

shows him shopping at a 7-11 store

shows him shopping at a 7-11 store

shows him ……… at a 7-11 Africa TIME WAR painting by Salavdor Dali ………..

Now, in year 2015 …Dr.WHO .. the TIME LORD has become a TIME DOCTOR working for EARTH space/time health ..the TIME DOCTOR ..Dr.WHO and WHO.

World Health Organization

The United Nations public health arm. Monitors disease outbreaks, assesses the performance of health systems around the globe, maintains world

Thus we have a classic problem …. in social system failure ..lack of feedback communications..

Civil war feedback control

Let’s look at another blog post …that outlines many concepts about disease.

Rd-blog-number by Herb Zinser reviews the information database of EBOLA disease in Africa.

Ebola virus disease – Wikipedia, the free


Ebola virus disease (EVD; also Ebola hemorrhagic fever, or EHF), or simply Ebola, is a disease of humans and other primates caused by ebolaviruses.‎Ebolavirus – ‎Bushmeat – ‎List of human disease case … – ‎Megabat

The living language (the English language), the EARTH iron core EARTH LANGUAGE. and Nature’s SYMBOL MACHINE language analysis tools help us understand the human brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR and is programming bugs ..such a bio-computer bug is suspected to be involved in EBOLA …symbol and vowel deficiency disease caused by lazy brains that do not study the SOCIAL CONTRACT as first outlined by John Lock and others.

First, let’s review the primordial EARTH LANGUAGE system that uses the ferrous oxide iron atom and its 26 protons with 26 English alphabet letters.


This ancient primordial atomic English language of the EARTH iron core is distributed VIA the North Pole magnetic to human sites with IRON biochemistry activity.


Thus we have a fundamental language PLATFORM …much like modern computer terminology.

As centuries went by ….. people developed music languages …and food / taste languages …and clothing /textile languages …dance and sport body languages, etc.

With the invention of the Gutenburg printing press in year 1453 ….. optics, the human eye, the optical nerve SYMBOL PROCESSOR and the English language entered a new phase of evolution ..SYMBOL and KNOWLEDGE evolution …. with a frame of reference point year 1500 (the 500 year project started by Nature to be completed in year 2000). The next frame point in optical projects ….. William Shakespeare ..year 1600.

Thus the English language became Nature’s premier expression system ..the living language ….. that uses the human brain computer as an operating platform ..much like the IBM system 370 main frame computer platform with its OS/JCL software.

Now, the shooting at Virginia TECH was a LANGUAGE WAR …

that was covered-up by citizens and news reporters.

Virginia Tech shooting – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Virginia Tech shooting (also known as the Virginia Tech massacre) was a school shooting that took place on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia …‎Seung-Hui Cho – ‎Liviu Librescu – ‎Kevin Granata – ‎Jamie Bishop

Seung-Hui Cho – Wikipedia, the free


The shooting rampage came to be known as the Virginia Tech shooting. …. Cho was noted for being good at mathematics and English, and teachers pointed to …

Now, let’s look at LANGUAGE.


Thus we have a situation ..that BODY Language may conflict with ENGLISH language symbols and their English dictionary definition.

Likewise, music and other languages may conflict with the English language …and cause conflict at the human subconscious MIND level resulting in illness and vulnerable to disease VECTOR commands.


The S.I Hayakawa language trail took place in HAY –> Hayward, Wisconsin with agent Vang ( V + ang = Vector angstroms ..wavelengths of light) and the battle in RICE LAKE with Mau Mau ….Mau + rice Wilkins technology.


Hunter Tells of Fear in the Woods – Los Angeles

Sep 16, 2005 – On trial for murder in Wisconsin, defendant Chai Soua Vang testifies that … after he inadvertently trespassed on private property in Rice Lake, Wis., … from Hayward who came to the courthouse to watch Vang’s proceedings.

Mau Mau + Rice Lake spells –> Mau + rice –> Maurice Wilken messages waiting for year 2015 biochemistry language analysts.

Thus ..we have some background information about SYMBOL war casualties and the incomplete explanations printed in the news about the tragic LANGUAGE wars.

Thus … given the SYMBOL WAR with the Virginia TECH English department and the S.I. Hayakawa TRIAL of the University of Wisconsin’s abilities in Hayward …. …… it is a simple extension to go from shooting battles to disease ..the result of both processes is EARLY death.

Let’s look at the factors …..using the SYMBOL MACHINE analysis TOOLS.


Symbol – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A symbol is an object that represents, stands for, or suggests an idea, visual image, belief, action, or material entity. Symbols take the form of words, sounds, …

English alphabet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The modern English alphabet is a Latin alphabet consisting of 26 letters (each having an uppercase and a lowercase form) – the same letters that are found in the ISO basic Latin alphabet:

Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Vowel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The name “vowel” is often used for the symbols that represent vowel sounds in a language’s writing system, particularly if the language uses an alphabet. In writing systems based on the Latin alphabet, the letters—> a, e, i, o, u,

The disease identifier word –> eBOLa –> has vowel components ……. a,e ..of the living language.



SYMBOL ……subset code SYM + BOL ….

SYM refers to cotton and polyester clothing languages as explained by the SYM’s … message output system.

Syms Corporation – Wikipedia, the free


SYMS Corp was an off-price retail clothing store chain, founded by Sy Syms in 1958. Its headquarters was based in Secaucus, New Jersey, where it was …

GANT brand-name cotton shirts …word gant is a subset letter of word pregnant ..hence DNA symbol commands VIA brand name



Continuing ….. the SYMBOL MACHINE ….. word

SYMBOL ……subset code SYM + BOL ….

BOL + vowels a,e …… eBOLa …..

symbol disease of the living language that gets transformed into a physical biology illness and probable death..

The name “vowel” is often used for the symbols that represent vowel sounds in a language’s writing system, particularly if the language uses an alphabet. In writing systems based on the Latin alphabet, the letters—> a, e, i, o, u,

some vowels are bio-computer commands and brain computer commands ,,,, the obvious vowels are …..

i o –> Input/output

i o u ….Input/output universe (the various language universes, color,etc)

That leave the 2 vowels …… that must represent some content information value ….. because a e –. goes to vowel i –> input some area of existence ..that needs to be figured out .. input to the eye the brain … verbal input to the ears.

This is very well known to the medical field …… illness and using VOWEL technology detection .

Why Does The Doctor Make You Say ‘Aaahhhhh‘ When Examining Your … › … › Main › General Questions

Jun 14, 2005 – 7 posts – ‎6 authors

Why Does The Doctor Make You Say ‘Aaahhhhh’ When Examining Your … my tounge and raising my pallet just by _thinking_ the “ahh” sound.

Thus the doctor is really interested in vowel –> a. ..the audio vowel code..

When you take a motor vehicle driver test …. they are interested in vowel –> e ..the eye vowel code.

Thus in year 2015 ..many secrets remain to be discovered ….. and only GOD knows how many secret hybrid languages and their secret members exist in America.

Thus we see ..symBOL subset –> BOL + flanked on each side by a vowel –> giving eBOLa language disease identifier.


In addition ..EARTH LANGUAGE keyword –> AFrica ..tells us the AFRICA is an COMPUTER EARTH geography zone with

Base 16 hexadecimal identifier code A and F –> AFrica.

Thus we have the HEX/ curse of data processing LANGUAGE conflict in AFrica ..that was originally explained by Nature’s systems at the Virginia TECH shooting on the base 16 hex day of April 16, 2007.

The next factor in eBOLA ..the TIME of DEATH factor was outlined by Spanish painters … Salvador Dali and his perception of a possible future problem in AFrica.


The Persistence of Memory – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Persistence of Memory (Spanish: La persistencia de la memoria; Catalan: La persistència de la memòria) is a 1931 painting by artist Salvador Dalí, and is …‎Disintegration – ‎Camembert – ‎Apparatus and Hand – ‎Cap de Creus

Salvador –> code –> Salv –> Saliva messenger for eating ….

cancer cell eating heathy cells,

eating brain memory resulting in Al;zheimer’s, etc.

Below, we see Base 16 hexadecimal AFrica and the TIME insects …. thus the SYMBOL MACHINE and the TIME MACHINE can both be factors in eBOLa.

Above, we see DECISION TREES …time .. and the year 2000 human brain computer Y2K problem ..failure to upgrade the Central Nervous System 370 processor.

Thus you have some pieces to Nature’s puzzling message EXPRESSION system VIA disease message format.
