Other Classes Offered

Click here to see some other university courses I have taught

Recently offered:

Other Classes Offered:

I teach a variety of types of classes to various groups sizes including academically-oriented courses and lectures, hands-on practical workshops, fieldtrips/herb walks, K-12 classes, and worshop parties. Please feel free to contact me to inquire about organizing/tailoring classes for your group and/or to request a specific class not on the class schedule.

  • Herbal identification and use:

Learn about an array of culinary and/or medicinal herbs that grow in Hawaii, how to grow/find them, and ecological and ethnobotanical

background information about the herbs.

  • Herbal Product Making:

Learn to make and use one or more of the following types of products: Teas, tinctures, infused oils, salves, lipbalms, creams, lotions,

herbal first aid, soap, healthy raw chocolate and chocolatey treats, natural cosmetics, dream pillows, specific remedies, and more.

  • Organic and Sustainable Gardening:

-Learn how to garden organically and sustainably. Learn tips for maximizing the health of your plants and the medicinal qualities of your

herbs as well as for keeping costs low and incorporating re-usable materials. Learn how to propagate plants from seed, cutting, and


-Learn how to container garden, grow on your lana'i, windowsill, or even kitchen counter, how to sprout.

-Learn how to compost with a variety of strategies, including vermicast (worm composting) and Bokashi (kitchen countertop method).

  • Fermentation Products:

-Learn how to make one or more of the following from scratch and take home a starter culture and kit: kombucha, yogurt, beer, wine,

chocolate/raw cacao, kimchi, saurkraut, kefir

  • Social Activities

A workshop or party can be organized around hands-on product making or skill acquisition. This is a wonderful activity for birthday

parties, bridal showers, pre-event party favor making parties, reunions, and more.

  • Outdoor Adventures

Herb walks, ecology walks, and more.

Here is a list of some specific classes I have offered:

  • Eat, Grow, Love...

  • Growing and Eating Herbs!

  • Learn how to select and grow delicious herbs and demonstrate how to make pesto, herb salads, smoothies, teas, and sauces, filled with life giving herbs. Take home starts and seeds to create your own herb garden.

  • Cultivating Herbal Magic: Learn how to plant and use your own organic herb garden for food and medicine, in pots and in the earth, including tips for communicating with your plants, maximizing the medicinal potential of your herbs, and influencing their growing behaviors

  • Making Herbal Medicine: Learn to make herbal tinctures, infused oils, essences, poultices, hot and cold water infusions, hydrosols, salves, and/or healing balms.

  • Lotions and creams making with all natural, wholesome, healing ingredients

  • Making Infused Oils and Lipbalms for cosmetic use

  • Kombucha for probiotic health

  • Chocoholic Rescue: Learn to make raw, organic, HEALTHY chocolate from scratch!! along with the amazing health benefits... herbal chocolates, chocolate substitutes, strategies for overcoming chocolate cravings...

  • Raw Organic Herbal Chocolate Party

  • Let's get wild! Wild local food and medicine plants

  • Learn how to identify and appropriately harvest local wild food and medicinal plants

  • Yogurt making

  • Sprouting

  • Wine or beer brewing

  • Composting

  • Vermicasting (worm composting)

  • Natural pest control for your garden and home

  • Herbal walks: Learn about useful plants and how to ethically harvest your own herbal medicine

  • The Recycled Garden: Learn how to turn your kitchen waste into a luscious garden, including discussion of identifying appropriate and viable propagules, turning old containers into great planters, kichen waste for natural pest control, and the art of seed saving.

  • Dream Pillows hands-on workshop. Learn how to enhance your dreams and quality of sleep, treat headaches and stress, and more by making and using herbal dream pillows.

  • Plant propagation and container gardening hands on workshop. Learn about the art of seed saving, how to make successful cuttings from plants, and the deeper implications of each method. Make and take home your own container garden.