Ethobotany Field Course on Ometepe Island, Nicaragua

Ometepe Summer 2012 Ethnobotany Field Course, June 22-July 17

Course Instructor:

Laura Shiels, MS Botany, Herbalist


This course will focus on ethnoecology, how people interact with ecosystems, and medical ethnobotany, how people interact with medicinal plants. Students will learn from a combination of classroom-style lectures and hands-on activities. Students will have the opportunity to conduct original ethnobotanical research. This course is appropriate for students at any level of study. Enrollment at an institution not required. University credit can be arranged.

Major Topics:

· Overview of the science of ethnobotany

· Exploration of interesting perspectives from which to explore the relationship between people and plants

· Ethnobotanical research ethics, methods/techniques, and project design

· Major tenets and comparison of different types of healing systems in the world which incorporate plants

· Botanical history of medicine

· How plant medicines work in the body

· Herbal medicine making and medicinal specimen collecting workshops

· The food-medicine-poison continuum and food/herb-drug interactions

· Psychoactive plants

· Natural history, volcanism, botany, and ecology of Ometepe, a world heritage site

· Comparison of natural history and ecology of the “old” and “new” world tropics

· Land management, the environment, and health

· The cultural history of Ometepe

· Conduct original ethnobotanical research in a unique cultural and ecological environment


This course requires motivation, a positive attitude, and an inquisitive, open mind. There are no pre-requisites for this course and it is suitable for students of any educational background and level. Hands-on activities and research opportunities will be tailored to the preparation and goals of individual students. We will engage in several outdoor excursions and hikes in the beautiful environment of Ometepe as part of the class.

Course Objectives

Gain a deeper knowledge and appreciation for the relationship between people and plants, and diverse cultures and ecosystems

Learn how plants have contributed to society as we know it and how our relationship with plants shapes the future to come

Develop a conceptual framework for finding solutions to social and environmental challenges

Learn how and why people have utilized plants as medicine, for material culture, for spiritual enlightenment

Learn how people shape environments and the associated consequences for health and the environment

Learn to conduct ethnobotanical research/improve research skills

Contribute beneficially to the community and environment of Ometepe

Develop meaningful friendships with people with similar interests

Optional: Publish original research results

Course Cost: $2095

Application (click here)

For more information about the Maderas Rainforest Conservancy field station where we stay during the course, please click here.