Laura Shiels
MS Botany, Clinical Herbalist, Educator, Consultant, Ethnobotanist, Wellness Counselor, Aromatherapist
Spice up your life with the magic of herbs & probiotics!
Classes, bulk wild-crafted herbs, all-natural products, and personal consultations, since 2005
Herbalmagik LLC
Podcast interview about "Biomimicry" applied to city planning: Oblique Life Global Goals--Lessons from Nature
Upcoming Public Workshops & Classes:
March 6, 5-6pm: Tisane Blending Hands-On Workshop (at Harmony Library, Fort Collins, CO, free)
1:1 Mentoring Sessions in Herbalism or Ethnobotany Skill Development
Non-timber forest products: evaluating & bringing mopane to market for cultural & ecological sustainable outcomes
*Herbal gift making (TBA & by request).
*Medicinal Plants Certificate Program at Cornell University (online).
*Botany (BIO2121) Front Range Community College face-to-face and online.
*Biology (Bio 1112, General Biology, 2nd semester) at Front Range Community College.
*Biology (Bio 1005, General Biology) at Front Range Community College.
*Ecology (BIO 2122) at Front Range Community College.
*Other live and virtual workshops on Herbal Medicine, Herbal Product Making, Fermentation & Probiotics, Gardening, and Sustainability.
To learn more about or sign up for college courses or non-credit classes or workshops, consultations, sessions, to order herbs or products, or to inquire about personalized classes for your group or possible healing trades, please email Laura at