HCIR 2013 is a two-day event consisting of a single-track of user-centered IR research presentations, a poster session, and ample opportunity for informal discussions and social interaction that includes a reception on the Thursday evening.

Areas of interest for HCIR include, but are not limited to:

    • Novel interaction techniques for information retrieval.
    • Modeling and evaluation of interactive information retrieval.
    • Exploratory search and information discovery.
    • Information visualization and visual analytics.
    • Applications of HCI techniques to information retrieval needs in specific domains.
    • Ethnography and user studies relevant to information retrieval and access.
    • Scale and efficiency considerations for interactive information retrieval systems.
    • Relevance feedback and active learning approaches for information retrieval.

HCIR solicits submission of full papers and short papers.

    • Full papers are peer-reviewed for novelty, rigor, and quality of presentation according to standards of first-tier conferences. They will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Full papers should be 10 pages long in the ACM SIGCHI two-column format. Please see for templates on this format. All accepted full papers will have a presentation slot in the symposium program.
    • Short papers provide an opportunity for researchers to present original research, preliminary work, position statements, and proposed systems. Demonstrations of systems and prototypes are particularly welcome. Short papers will be judged by members of the organizing committee, based on relevance to HCIR and the paper's potential to generate good discussion. Short papers may be up to four pages long in the ACM SIGCHI two-column format. Accepted short papers will be published on the symposium web site and authors will present a poster at the symposium during the poster session. Some short papers may be selected for short presentations during the symposium main program.

Please submit papers using our EasyChair site:

Important dates