
VISTO: for Web Information Gathering and Organization

Anwar Alhenshiri, Carolyn Watters, and Michael Shepherd (Dalhousie University)

Time-based Exploration of News Archives

Omar Alonso (Microsoft Corporation), Klaus Berberich (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics), Srikanta Bedathur (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics), and Gerhard Weikum (Max-Planck Institute for Informatics)

Combining Computational Analyses and Interactive Visualization to Enhance Information Retrieval

Carsten Goerg, Jaeyeon Kihm, Jaegul Choo, Zhicheng Liu, Sivasailam Muthiah, Haesun Park, and John Stasko (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Impact of Retrieval Precision on Perceived Difficulty and Other User Measures

Mark Smucker and Chandra Prakash Jethani (University of Waterloo)

Exploratory Searching As Conceptual Exploration

Pertti Vakkari (University of Tampere)

Casual-leisure Searching: The Exploratory Search Scenarios that Break our Current Models

Max L. Wilson (Swansea University) and David Elsweiler (University of Erlangen)