
Weapon Retexturing



IMGTool 2 - http://gta-sanandreas.com/downloads/pafile...tion=file&id=48

TXD Workshop 3.5 - http://gta-sanandreas.com/downloads/pafile...tion=file&id=51

3DSMAX - http://www.discreet.com

Photoshop - Or any other img editing tool http://www.adobe.com


GTADFF - http://www.geocities.com/kam_b_lai/GTA/fil...DFF_IO_v43b.zip

Texporter[不支援2010/2011/2012,只支援max1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/max9-32/max9-64/max2008-32/max2008-64/max2009-32/max2009-64] - http://www.cuneytozdas.com/software/3dsmax/


* 找出武器的DFF和TXD

* 能夠編輯紋理貼圖和a guide of a UV map

* 查看武器和新的貼圖在3DSMAX


此外,安裝 texporter和DFF插件在3DSMAX

首先我們需要的txds和dffs。所有的武器都位於 gta3.img文件

txd - 包含所有的紋理貼圖,和武器HUD圖標

dff - 實際的模型,we can use to extract the UV map and preview our skin

打開 gta3.img,找出武器的DFF和TXD,把它提取到同一個資料夾


所以你會有這三種檔案 in the dir:




打開3DSMAX,在右邊應該有一些標籤。點擊工具(鐵鎚),Kam's GTA scripts就會出現(如果你有裝這個插件的話)

Fire up 3dsmax. On the right should be some tabs. Click on the utilities tab (the hammer) and Kam's GTA scripts should be present below if you installed them right.

For us press the "DFF IO (All version)" button. Make sure the Image Type is selected as tga, so it knows that the skin is TGA. Press "Import DFF" and find the dff of your weapon.

There should be a small dot on your views, so zoom up till you can see it. Now lets preview it before we get started on the skin. Press F10 to load up the render scene window. Leave everything as default and press the render button. It may say missing file muzzle texture, but that file doesn't matter to us anyways. Just continue. If you did everything right, you should see your weapon model + the skin on it.

Now we'll need the UV map so we know which part of the skin goes where. In the utilities tab (the tab where we found the GTA plugins) and press More.

Choose texporter and something new should be added after Kam's GTA stuff.

Now in the parameters section, set the width and hieght. For this tut, set them to 256. Polygon Fill is set to default true, but i don't really like it so uncheck it (you don't have to). Press the Pick Object button and click on the weapon on the viewport. A window should popup with your UV map.

Press the save button and save the file. Don't close 3dsmax.

Now we're gonna get to the real texture editing. Load up photoshop and create a new 256x256 image or the same dimensions as your UV map. Open the old texture and add it to your image and stretch it so it fits, for my example Ctrl+T and resize it 400%. Then open the UV map and copy it over to your image. Now the UV map should be the top layer and the stretched texture should be the bottom layer. Decrease the opacity of the UV map so you can see which parts are suppose to go where.

From here on you can use the brush or pencil, create a new layer above the UV map layer and draw funny symbols so you can see what things are positioned where. You don't need to do this, but it does help when you don't know which part is where. Since the chrome gun has a very easy UV map, i won't need to do this. Save the file as a tga, and from here you can overwrite the old texture tga, or you can save it as a different tga. If you don't save over it, you'll need to do something additional, which i'll explain later on.


Go back to 3dsmax and press m.

This will load the materials editor window.

Select one of the balls and press the get material button.

A material/map browser should popup.

In the "browse From:"box choose scene and GTA_Mtls should be shown.

Doubleclick on the Text on the list which is the gun texture material, i.e.

not the gunflash one so it adds it to the ball we selected.


In the material editor, click on the button of the tga file.

Click reload if you have replaced the weapon, or click on the filename button to pick the file with your skin in it. After that, you can render and see your new skin in action.

Now comes the hard part...skinning. Try to find hi res images on side views and little variances of light. This will not only make your weapons look better quality, but more real. If you want a brief overview of skinning, follow on.

Change back to photoshop. Now load up a picture (here is one i used: http://rds.yahoo.com/S=96062883/K=pump+act...es/DSCN1235.JPG ) and use the magnetic lasso tool. Trace over the handle thingy, but don't worry if it doesn't match exactly, we can use the eraser to clean up.

Copy and paste it back, then use your transform tools, to fit it into the shape of the UV map. Take your time, and use the clone stamp tool to extend the texture if needed.

After each part, save, switch to max reload the texture and render. Repeat.

Once youve finished the skin, it's time to update the gta files. Load up your txd in TXD workshop, select the old skin, and choose import. Replace it with your skin and save.

Do bascially the same thing in IMGTool like in the beginning of the tut, but instead of extract, replace the old txd with your new one. Wait for it to rebuild the img file and load up GTA and voila! Have fun.