How To Find More Friends On Buzz

Date de publication : 31 mai 2011 23:28:22

Well, in fact, we don’t speak about “friends” in Buzz, but about people who you follow and who are following you. Before to try to get more followers, Buzz users would first care about who they follow because this choice will determine the content and the quality of their Buzz streams. So, here are a few tips to help you pick the right buzzers for you to follow.

1/ Follow your email contacts

The people you know and who are using Gmail are the first logical one to follow, so you can Buzz privately with them. Of course, to do so, you need to have your contacts imported in Gmail (see Then, you can hit "Find people" link and in the pop-up window, the "Contacts" link. There you can choose between your contacts who are using Buzz.


The only right place to hit the "Follow" button is on the user's profile page. You should never follow anyone from anywhere else. Because on the profile page one can see if the user is real or not, you can check the presentation (About), the Buzz posted: their content, their sources, their quantity, how they are liked and commented, may be the Comments and Likes of the user and may be the lists of followers and followed. You can also eventually check the PicasaWeb and +1 tabs of the user.

2/ Search in profiles

In the same "Find people" pop-up window they is a "Search profiles" tab where you can type names you know and check the matching profiles.

3/ Suggested Buzzers

Sometimes, in the Buzz tab, an insert propose you a bunch of people who you might be interested to follow, showing you some related followers and the number of Buzz posted.

4/ Search in Buzz posts

When you are in the Buzz tab you can type keywords in the search field on the top of the page. You’ll get the latest public Buzz posts that contain that specific keywords. From there, you can “right-click” on Buzzers names to open their profile pages in a new tab so you can see more of the latest posts published by this user and their regularity to be able to decide to follow or not.

5/ Your followed and followers as a following source

This is probably the best source to find new people to follow. First, be careful to people who like and comment your own posts. In the same way you did for unknown posts, “right-click” on the name of the Buzz users to open their profile pages to check their “public” posts. But on that very same page, each of us can decide to display or not the list of followed and followers, that leads to new profile pages that open to more users. We can also decide to show (or not) our likes and comments on the same Buzz tab of the profile pages, those two lists are more sources for new users to check their profiles and Buzz production. The benefit of this method is that when you start with people with the same interests as yours, searching new users to follow in their “social circle” provides your more opportunities to meet people with the same type of interests.

6/ Real-time and nearby Buzz posts

If you want to meet random new Buzz users based on Time or Location, here are the ways:

A/ Type "" in the search page of your language and ask for real-time. (

B/ Use the “nearby” link on the mobile version of the web Buzz page or the Buzz layer of Google Maps (web or mobile version).

7/ Links to profile page

It’s always good to promote your profile with different ways to link to it. And if a user make the effort to do this, it may be worth to check the profile.

A/ Insert your Profile widget on web page: an iframe (336x125px) with{usersID} as source.

B/ Set an official “Follow Me” button on your pages:

C/ Simple links to your profile page:{usersID}


We want to set very clearly that the aim of this article is not to push you to make a collection of followers. For we don’t believe in the long term success of tactics that consist to follow a maximum of people in the hope a good percentage will follow you back. All those methods are known by spammers and we don’t encourage any of those attitudes.

On the contrary, we urge you to choose with a lot of precautions the people you follow on Buzz. Once again, you must understand that this choice makes your Buzz flow and if you follow people which you don’t really like the publications, Buzz will become noisy. If you follow too much people, you will not be able to read them all. It is really in your interest to be very selective.

At last, here is an analogy that could help you to see Buzz and social networks in another way: Imagine Buzz as an ancient Greek Agora. It’s a big place where everyone can speak freely and as freely choose to listen to the other speakers they want. But remember that the one who speaks the louder may gain the biggest attention but may not be the most accurate or wise.