Google Buzz Team advertise Going Buzz

Date de publication : 28 janv. 2011 22:43:25

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Google Buzz Team has published a nice post about "interesting Buzz users to follow" naming our site Going Buzz and three other Buzz accounts:

"Welcome to Google Buzz

We know many of you are looking for interesting Buzz users to follow, and it can be tough to find out about new accounts before they become popular. So we wanted to welcome some new users we've discovered -- this time around, people who post about Buzz-related stuff -- in case some of you are interested in following them. If you have suggestions for other interesting accounts, please add them to the comments.

Going Buzz, a site created by Buzz users to aggregate information about the community.

Buzzooka for the iPhone, an account created by the developer of a great looking Buzz iPhone app.

Cicada Buzz, created by the developer of a nice Android app for Buzz.

mflow music, a streaming music site that's recently added the ability to share what you’re listening with your followers on Buzz."

Sadly they didn't get any suggestion, but you can find some in our "Buzzers recommend buzzers" page.