2015-2016 Plans

Post date: Jun 16, 2015 2:09:21 PM

GO4ST8 Physics has some plans in place for the 2015-2016 school year. Below are some general group improvements (we hope they are improvements) and the plans for the coming year.


  • GO4ST8 Physics is trying to find ways to create a location for folks to upload any photos or videos they take at the meeting so we can post them to our website for all future meetings.
  • GO4ST8 Physics is also planning to have folks sign in thru a google form in 2015-2016. As folks sign in, we will ask if people have any questions about the days topic, other topics they would like to discuss at meetings, and anything they would like to share at future meetings. Remember, things don't have to be perfectly clean to be shared with the group. Sometimes cool ideas that need to be shaken out a bit can be great for discussion with our colleagues and friends.
  • The Questions, Answers, Show & Tell items from the form will be used to help determine the topics for our March QuAST meeting.


The outline for GO4ST8 Physics meetings in 2015-2016:

  • September Meeting: Modeling Physics methods until noon. From noon to 1 we will discuss some tips for determining depth and methods for AP Physics.
  • November Meeting: Engineering and Project Based Physics.
  • January Meeting: Charges & Circuits.
  • March Meeting: Questions, Answers, Show and Tell (QuAST).