PR/Speaking Opportunities

Here are opportunities to spread the word about you and your business.

Audio Interviews w/Live Chat and Recording for Replay via Wonder Live

What is Wonder Live?

Wonder Live is a knowledge sharing app available on App Store and Google Play Store. Each time we invite an expert/professional to share his knowledge/experience in a voice live talk online, and your talk would be published to our users mostly from tech/vc community.

We can provide you with:

1. A quick way to have more people to know you and get interested in what you do and think in all different fields.

2. Share your knowledge and experience to the audiences and help others;

2. Build influence and connections in the tech & trade community;

3. A chance to introduce your business/projects to audience;

4. We'll convert your talk into an article and promote it for free. We will also feature popular speakers in our website for more people to read and listen.

You are welcome to download the app and check out the live talk made by other professionals.

Wonder Live for iPhone

Wonder Live for Android

BUSINESS MODEL: In a few months, Wonder Live will start Pay-To-Listen mode,

which means that the speaker can decide the ticket price for his/her shows, and gain 60% of the total income.

Now we are targeting more audience, so the sessions are set as free. But we will also feature speakers who support in the early stage in our app for more people to read and listen.

It's also a good chance for the speakers to introduce his/her business to our audience and build influence.

Thanks again for your help, Kimberly.

Best regards,

From: Sandra A. Clark <>

Date: Wed, May 17, 2017 at 8:56 AM

Subject: OPPORTUNITY for speakers - especially about growth hacking


Hi Collaborators.

A company ( I do paid webinars for is looking for other speakers in particular subjects. I thought some of you might be interested and qualified:

Let me know and I'll be happy to refer you.

"I’m looking for growth hacking experts for an upcoming speaking opportunity. They can be marketers, creative professionals, strategy planners, developers or simply growth evangelists with a spark in their eyes. Know some superstars? Please send them my way!"

    1. Intro to Growth Hacking: Part 1 (Inside your organization) Marketing is the war room of your company - It's about shifting the mindset on how to acquire significant growth (Planning, Strategy, Speed); adjust team work accordingly and shift priorities.
    2. Intro to Growth Hacking: Part 2 (It's ALL DIGITAL) Into to the technical aspects listed later in this list. (Targeting, ads platform, measurement, reach outs tools, etc...)
    3. Understand Your Demographics & Variables: How detailed can you get with your targeting?How to align your campaigns to your target audiencesHow to leverage re-marketing & look like audiences?
    4. Organic is Dead - Enter PPC: How to make the click as low-cost as possible with specific examples that explain a mindset (FB, Google, LinkedIn) & mechanics of why a click costs more/less
    5. Your Leading B2B Marketing Channel: How to acquire your prospects emails? Which marketing channels exist (including LinkedIn InMail)? Which software do you need to build campaigns? What are sequences and how to leverage those?
    6. Hack Your Content: How to use your content in new ways to reach relevant audiences at the lowest cost possible? How to reach out to influencers in your space and create content to attain audiences in creative ways? How to make people read your content and make it a valuable asset in SEO?
    7. Create Creative Content: How to leverage Landing Pages, Banners, Videos? How to come up with copy?
    8. Thinking in Funnels: Understand the 5 stages of users: acquisition, activation, retention, invitation (encourage users to invite friends), revenue; perform Cohort analysis.

Other topics they're interested in related to HR:

1. How technology changed the way people communicate at work?

2. Technology to recruit, manage and leverage talent

3. Can we use Artificial Intelligence to better HR?

4. Cloud Services (many sub-topics - can be separated): How to add value to it? How to address customers concerns of security? What to automate? What algorithms to build and why? How to better understand how clients are using the cloud?

5. From product to platform: big company is about to change its model, allow customers to rent an IP address and customize it. How does one build a customized workflow?

6. Managing across different geographic locations - what is the role of people ops in a company? how to effectively communicate when people work in different places yet are on the same team? (growing pains. Can be separated to more than 1 talk.)

7. How to be successful at a matrix organization?

Sandra Clark

LinkedIn Profiles for Results

408 781-6843

Complimentary 30-minute discovery session

Allen Lin

Marketing Manager


3705 Terstena Place, 103 Santa Clara CA, 9505 1 United States

733 Dong Feng Dong Road, Tecent Accelerator | China