Mrs. Ivovich- World History


From this page, you can access four types of resources: the catalog of books at RHS, the RHS databases, links to recommended websites, & the Howard County Public Library.

Please refer to the source type headings below. All images are live links that will take you to the correct places.

Books at RHS:

History books will be found on the main collection's 900's shelves; however you may also find resources 

in the 300's section as well as a few others. 

Click here to go to the catalog of books at RHS.

RHS Databases:

For when you're not at school: links, usernames, and passwords to most of the databases are on pages 18-19 of your agenda book.

Click here to go to the full database page of RHS.

A few databases of particular interest might include:

The above databases offer overviews on a wide variety of subjects...a great place to start your research.

History Reference Center is a new database from EBSCO- a nice spot to gain general information on any world history topics.

Useful Websites about Oral History:

The above website has information describing what oral history is, the importance of conducting it, and its significance to society today.

Other Resources:

The Howard County Public Libraries have a multitude of book/awesome electronic sources that we don't have here at RHS.

Click here to access the homepage of the Howard County Public Libraries. 

Just a reminder that you do need a library barcode to use databases, reserve, or check out materials. 

Research Tips:

Don't forget to be a good researcher!

Make sure that you take accurate notes and record citations/source information for your resources.

You might want to use the following tools to help you stay organized:

Using Websites for Research:

 Using the internet for research is convenient, but you need to make sure that you are using RELIABLE sources. 

If you come across a source that looks like a possibility I'd recommend using this worksheet to evaluate its credibility.

Google Apps for Education:

Throughout your unit, you will be required to keep track of your research/findings for the historical context of your topic.

For this purpose you will be using the brand new Google Apps for Education. Click on the image below to login to your GAFE.

If you need any help at all, please don't hesitate to ask the Media Center Staff :)