
Our school has many resources for your research needs. Check out the descriptions below to see which database works best for your task. 

Use MackinVia, on, to access the databases and ebooks!

These feature articles, essays, and entries on your research topics:    

These are best for background information and primary sources:

ABC-Clio American Government- primary sources and reference articles

A great place to find pro/con articles on the most controversial 

issues today.

ABC-Clio American History-primary sources and reference articles

Reference and opinion articles related to fields of science.

Britannica School- provides encyclopedia articles on a variety of subjects with film clips, interactive learning games, photo galleries, journal articles, websites, and maps.

A great place to find reference articles and pro/con articles on a 

variety of topics.


Reference and opinion articles about today's top issues. This has information on a great variety of topics.


A variety of information about different aspects of cultures around the world.


Features articles, primary sources, essays, audio & video on a huge 

array of history  related topics.

Provides access to over fifteen million full-text articles from over 300 magazines and newspapers; over 100,000 multimedia records, and video and audio content from NBC, NPR, and other news sources.

This will search all of the Gale Databases at once.

Provides access to indexed and full-text newspapers, magazines, and referenc books for information on science, government, health, popular culture, the arts, and current events for high school students.


Use MackinVia to also access our E-Books collection. All books are sorted by subjects, such as History, Literature, Science, Social Science, and Religion. This is a FANTASTIC place for your research! Make sure you scroll left/right to see all of the available titles.