Academic Honesty


Academic Honesty is something we should all strive to uphold. We know you already signed this in the beginning of the year, but here is our school's Academic Honor Code. Make sure you use information in a responsible manner so that you are an ethical participant in the world of information around us.

Remember, the 4 main types of Honor Code violations are:

    Cheating: Possessing, using, or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.

    Facilitation: Helping/attempting to help another student or contributing to an environment in a manner that violates any provision this school                                    policy.

    Falsification: Making up information/data or a citation. Lying- knowingly making a false statement.

    Plagiarism: Representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise.

It is always better to ask for help than to make decisions that can hurt your academic career.

Plagiarism is when you take words, images, ideas, or any type of information and you portray them as your own. You must give credit when credit is due! Plagiarism is a violation of your Honor Code, and should be taken seriously. Visit to learn more about it.

There are numerous resources available to ensure that you do not plagiarize. Please see the Citation Tools and Tools to help/organize your Researchpages to conduct ethical research. Aside from those resources, here are a few others:

    Noodletools- a site to help you create citations and works cited pages. View the tutorial below to see how easy it is to use!


Howard County Writing Manual - a great resource to make sure you are formatting all of your assignments appropriately and meeting ethical 


Copyright Information

It is crucial that we follow Copyright Laws when we are using resources for educational purposes.

The American Library Association has a great page on Copyright information that stresses the importance of upholding these laws.

Here is Howard County's information on Copyright-- useful for teachers and students alike