Health Research Project


For this project, you will use the RHS Databases for your research.

Please check out the databases below for your health-related topics.

You need to compose your paper in your school Google Account.

Please click the image below to access your account and create a new document.

Citations and The Works Cited Page

Citations for your Direct Quote:

You need 1 direct quote in your paper. You need to have a MLA Citation after the quote, showing us where you got it from.

To do this, you list the author of the article OR the title of the article (if no author) in parentheses after the quote.

Here are two samples:

        "Researchers and doctors are still searching for a cure or a vaccine" ("AIDS").

        "In October 2015, the World Health Organization issued a report estimating that 1.2 million people died from HIV/AIDS related

          infections in 2014" (Hoyle).

The Works Cited


Now that you've researched your topic, it's time to read a fiction book that deals with the topic.

Please click below for a list of books that we have here at Reservoir, sorted by the topics for your Health Project.

RHS Health Topics Book List