Mr. Chishty- English 9 GT

Use this page as a helpful resource for your To Kill a Mockingbird research project.

Each image on this page will take you directly to that source. 

From this page, you can access several types of resources: RHS databases, RHS e-books, and Noodletools.

RHS Databases:

For when you're not at school: links, usernames, and passwords to most databases are on pages 18-19 of your agenda book. 

If you lost your agenda book, pick up a database worksheet at the Front Desk.

These are only a few of the databases that we have. If you want to go to all of them, click here.

Student Resources is a great databases, especially if your topic is recent.


SIRS has a ton of information for research topics. Take your time so you don't get overwhelmed by the amount of information that comes up.

Ebsco Host has articles and information on all of your topics. 

Bloom's is another great database that focuses on literary texts- theme, characters, symbolism, and more!

Check out this database for American History related sources:

Useful E-books:

Gale Virtual Library-- many books in one spot

We have tons of history resources in our Virtual Library. 

Use the search bar at the top to search every book, or click onto a book to search that source only.

Simply type in your title and sift through the sources. 

**One source you should certainly examine is Literature in Its Times-- this source discusses the impact of historical events on novels-- PERFECT for your paper!**

***Also check out Novels for Students, Volume 2***


Research Tips:

Don't forget to be a good researcher!

Make sure that you take accurate notes and record citations/source information for your resources.

Use your Noodletools account to help you stay organized!