
Original Post: https://github.com/LeHulk1/RandoBlazer

Creator: LeHulk1

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Monster Lair contents:

  • Enemy type is randomized, but will still choose from the possible enemy types in the current location. Monsters which usually don't belong to lairs can be in lairs (like blue blobs and torches in Act 1 Underground Castle).
  • Lair type is randomized: it can be one-by-one spawner, multispawner, or proximity spawner (this one is more rare). The "already there" type is not randomized though.
  • Number of enemies is randomized: between 2 and 6 for one-by-one spawners, and between 4 and 12 for multispawners.
  • Multispawner spawn rate is randomized between 3 and 20 frames.

NPCs released from monster lairs are also shuffled in a way that still makes the game beatable. The progression through the game will probably be quite different from the original game.

Items from chests and items received from NPCs or found in special places are all shuffled. You can find all non-chest item locations in this pastebin: https://pastebin.com/phaJZdwW

"Free" monsters are also randomized, i.e. the monsters which do not belong to a monster lair. A few of them can have four different possible orientations, and that is randomized too (like the water dragons in Greenwood, or the snow rats in Mountain of Souls).

The Gourmet Goat will give you a clue on the location of either the Soul Blade, the Soul Armor or Phoenix, provided you give it food. Some other NPCs can give clues (the soldier with Dr. Leo, the fairy crystal in Magridd Castle basement, etc.).

The six Stones are required in order to progress to the World of Evil. However, you don't need each individual Stone to progress to the next area: for that you need to talk to the leader NPC of the current area (their item will also be randomized).

Finally, a lot of text has been edited in order to match the actual item NPCs now give you, but also to reduce the amount of text in most cutscenes. Most revival text has also been edited out. There is also a variety of texts for Master's text in the game introduction and on player's death.