SMB3 Randomizer

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Top Boxes

  • Seed - The seed which determines the random numbers
  • Flags - A string that corresponds to the options set. This can be copy/pasted, to easily allow two players to play on the same seed.
  • Mario Color - The color that Mario will be in the game.

Stages Tab

  • Shuffle Regular Stages - Scrambles what is in which regular level (including the numbered levels, the pyramid, desert, and hands.
  • Add Lost Levels - Adds 8 lost levels from the original ROM that were left by the designers (and just not included in the game).
  • Shuffle Fortresses - If selected, scrambles the fortresses in the overworld.
  • Shuffle Castles - If selected, scrambles the airships for the 7 overworlds. The bosses will still match the overworld they naturally come from.
  • Remove Some Autoscrollers - If selected, autoscrollers will be removed from all regular stages, except for 5-9, and one lost level. This does not affect the airships.
  • Remove Ship Autoscrollers - If selected, the autoscroll on the airships will be removed. This also removes the "Oh it's terrible" screen, and if you die, the ship stays at the castle.
  • Shuffle Overworld Pipes - If selected, the pipes on Worlds 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8 will be shuffled, resulting in possible different paths to the end of the worlds!
  • Shuffle Warp Zones - If selected, the pipes in World 9 will take you to a random world. You won't know which world it takes you to until you enter the pipe!

Enemies Tab

  • Randomize Enemies - If selected, enemies are shuffled in levels, resulting in madness!
  • Randomize Koopa Kid Earthquakes - Normally, Roy and Ludwig only cause earthquakes when they jump. If selected, two random kids will have the earthquake jump.
  • Randomize Koopa Kid HP - If selected, it will take between 1-5 stomps on a koopa kid head to kill it, or between 5-15 fireballs.
  • Randomize Hammer Bros - If selected, the enemy in the hammer bros spots on each world will be a random brother (hammer/boomerang/fire/sumo).
  • Shuffle Hammer Bros Items - If selected, the items given out by hammer bros/plants in world 7 will be shuffled, allowing you to get any item from them.

Miscellaneous Tab

  • Randomize Music - If selected, stage music is shuffled.
  • Shuffle N Game - If selected, the card order in the N game is shuffled (compared to normal games).
  • Randomize N Game Prizes - If selected, the prize you get for making a match in the N game is randomized, with most items in the game (or 1ups) viable.
  • Shuffle Toad Houses - If selected, the prize you get from Toad Houses will be shuffled.
  • Randomize Castle Items - If selected, the items you get from Princess Letters will be randomized.