Zelda Randomizer

Original Post: https://sites.google.com/site/zeldarandomizer/

Creator: Coughlin

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Current Presets

There are a number preset buttons on the UI, corresponding to preset combinations of flags in the Randomizer. Clicking the button will automatically populate the appropriate flags. To learn more about each one, hover your mouse over the button to get a short description.

Current Features

Note: most options shown below can be "randomly" set. If a grey box is in the box instead of a check mark, then there is a 50% chance that the box will be set or unset.

Top Boxes

  • Seed - The seed which determines the random numbers
  • Flags - A string that corresponds to the options set. This can be copy/pasted, to easily allow two players to play on the same seed.
  • Hint Type - There are several options:
    • Normal - Normal game text is included.
    • Helpful - Hints correspond to where items/dungeons actually are (see the Helpful Links/Materials page for more info on this)
    • Community - Hints created by the community (often nonsense, but sometimes humorous or confusing!)
    • Deception - About half the time, the hint will be a "helpful" hint. The other half of the time, the hint will be a lie. Can you tell which is which?
    • Mixed - hints will sometimes be helpful, and sometimes be community. Can make the decision to buy hints tougher!
    • Blank - No game text at all. For those who don't like to listen.
  • Overworld Quest - The quest for the overworld. This can be 1st, 2nd, or mixed quest.
  • Dungeon Quest - The quest for the dungeons. This can be 1st, 2nd, mixed quest, random among those, or Shapes. If Shapes is selected, the shapes of the dungeons will be randomly created (making the map incredibly useful!). Levels will increase in size from 1-6, 7 will be smaller than 8, and 9 will be ~ the same size. "Holes" in the maps will never be rooms in the dungeon.

Caves Tab

  • Shuffle Caves - Scrambles what is which cave (dungeon/shop/etc.). For example, the tree that normally contains Level 1 may be the Money Making Game. Note that the wooden sword cave and power bracelet stairs don't move, unless specified by the appropriate options.
  • Whistle to New Dungeons - Instead of the recorder taking you to the old levels 1-8, the recorder will take you to the levels from your current quest. The two exceptions are the letter cave from quest 1 (you end up 1 screen south of it), and the Armos cave southeast of Level 5 (you end up one screen east where you normally use the Power Bracelet).
  • Shuffle Wood Sword Cave - If selected, adds the wood sword cave to the shuffle. The wood sword will be found either in an open cave, or under an armos statue. Good luck wandering through Hyrule to find a weapon!
  • Shuffle "Take Any Road" caves - If selected, the four "Take Any Road You Want" caves will be shuffled in the mix as well. This means the Power Bracelet may become a required item, and these four caves may be anywhere (but will still be connected)
  • Start Screen - If changed, the start screen can be changed to be almost any screen in the overworld of Hyrule. An "easy" version is available that removes a number of difficult to exit locations. Grayed out areas in this map will not be selected on the "easy" option.
  • Change Secret Spots - If selected, the spots on the screen that you have to burn/bomb/push for secrets to appear will be shuffled. They will appear on the same type of screen, and you will still have to use the same resource (e.g. bomb the screen north of start).

Shops Tab

  • Shuffle Shop Items - Shuffles items and prices among the shops, and also changes secret values and Door repair values.
  • Extra Candles - Adds a candle to the start cave and the "take any one you want" caves.
  • Change Sword Hearts - Change the number of hearts required to get the items in caves that are normally white/magical sword caves in the normal game. 4-6 hearts are required for the white sword item, 10-14 for the magical sword.
  • Change MMG - Shuffles the values for the Money Making Game.
  • Change Bomb Upgrades - Changes the cost and number of bombs gained in the Bomb Upgrade rooms. The cost can change from 75-125, and can up your capacity between 2-6 bombs.
  • Shuffle Armos - There are five screens on the overworld where secrets are locate under an armos statue (namely, SE of 5, E of 2, SE of the previous secret, the blue ring shop, and the normal power bracelet spot). This shuffles the secrets among those five (meaning that the power bracelet may be on a different screen). In addition, it shuffles which armos the secret is under; it can be under any armos in the top row of armos.

Dungeon Items Tab

  • Shuffle Dungeon Items - scramble the items that are found in dungeons. This means you may find the Red Ring in Level 1, or the Magical Book.
  • Shuffle Bracelet - If selected, the Bracelet will be shuffled in with the Dungeon Items. One dungeon item will be found under the statue where the Bracelet is normally found.
  • Shuffle Ladder Heart - If selected, the heart normally found on the coast (requiring a ladder) will be shuffled in with the dungeon items. This means that 2 hearts may be found in a dungeon, and a key item may require the ladder and be found on the coast.
  • Shuffle White Sword - If selected, the white sword will be shuffled in with dungeon items. The item in the white sword cave will require 4-6 hearts to acquire (5 if you did not select "Change Sword Hearts"). If the white sword is found on the ground, you can pick it up, no matter how many hearts you have!
  • Force RR/SA to 9 - If selected, the items in Level 9 will be guaranteed to be the red ring and silver arrows.
  • Shuffle Dungeon Drops - Randomly shuffle where the drops appear within a given dungeon. All drops will still be present in the dungeon, but shuffled. All rooms that naturally had items in the original game will still have them, but may be different (a heart container instead of a key, for instance).

Dungeons Tab

  • Shuffle Dungeon Rooms - Randomly shuffles the rooms and doors within a dungeon. dungeons will have the same layout as before (the "Eagle" still has the same shape), but the rooms may be placed in different spots (the Triforce room may be the first room you discover). Doors will be shuffled such that you will need approximately the same resources to fully complete the dungeons (in level 1, there will be 6 key doors and 2 bombable walls, for example); if additional doors are added to insure connectivity, the door may be either a bomb wall or an open door; this is even true of 2nd quest dungeons, which may normally have no bomb walls. (Note: Enable Up+A on the 2nd controller with this option)
  • Force Gannon Fight - If selected, you must obtain Gannon's Triforce prior to being able to open Zelda's door.
  • Shuffle Dungeon Text - If selected, the text of the old men in dungeons will be shuffled.
  • Allow Other Items to Block 9 - This has been combined into "Level 9 Entry" as of version 3.1
  • Randomize Dungeon Rooms - If selected, rooms may shuffle between dungeons. This means you may find the skull room in Level 2, or the spiral staircase in Level 4. There will still be one heart container/triforce/map/compass in levels 1-8, and a map/compass in level 9. Gannon and Zelda will still be in level 9.
  • Randomize Dungeon Shapes - This option has been combined into the Dungeon Quest drop-down as of version 3.1.
  • Add 2nd Quest rooms - If selected, rooms may be taken from 2nd quest when generating "Shapes" levels. Note that this includes 2nd quest stair rooms, so you may need to know additional stair rooms.
  • Add 2nd Quest doors - If selected, walkthrough walls may exist (similar to the way they exist in 2nd quest in the original game).
  • Unlock Level 9 - This has been combined into "Level 9 Entry" as of version 3.1.
  • Level 9 Entry - The conditions to enter Level 9. Options include:
    • A fixed number of triforces (can be obtained from any level)
    • Open level 9 - The old man at level 9 requires no triforces, and you can enter immediately.
    • Random Triforces - The old man at the entrance of level 9 will tell you how many triforces you need to enter Level 9.
    • Random Item - If selected, the old man blocking level 9 may require a different item to enter. Possible items include: any sword, the recorder, any candle, any arrow, the bow, magical key, raft, ladder, wand, book, power bracelet, or letter.
    • Random - The entry to level 9 may be open, blocked by item, or by a number of triforces. The old man at the entrance of Level 9 will tell you the entry requirement (regardless of hint type).
  • Allow Important Items in 9 - If selected, important items (such as Ladder, Raft, Power Bracelet, Recorder, and Bow) may be found in Level 9. In theory, the game will still be beatable, but you may have to enter Level 9, find the item, and leave. Selectable only with Open Level 9 at present.
  • Shuffle Dungeon Start Room - If selected, the start room of the dungeons 1-8 may be shuffled as well; it could be any room on the bottom row of the dungeon. This will hide the Level number as well.
  • Shuffle Dungeon Palette - If selected, the colors of the dungeons will be mixed up.
  • Shuffle Hungry Goriya - If selected, the Hungry Goriya can be moved to any dungeon (including level 9), swapping with an old man from one of the dungeons.
  • Shuffle Bomb Upgrade Men - If selected, the bomb upgrade men (normally found in levels 5 and 7 in the first quest) will be swapped randomly with two other old men (possibly in different dungeons).
  • Add Money or Life Rooms - If selected, 1-3 old men in the first quest dungeons will be replaced with "Life or Money" rooms (normally seen in 2nd quest).
  • Change "Leave your..." Rooms - If selected, the cost requirements to escape the "Life or Money" rooms will be changed. Possible costs include: 30-70 rupees, 2-5 keys (may be paid with the Magical Key for free), -1 heart container (or reduce your health to 0 HP if you have 3 heart containers), or -1 bomb capacity. The leftmost option will always be able to be paid by the player to escape.

Monsters Tab

  • Shuffle Overworld Monsters - Randomly shuffle the monsters in the overworld, with the exception of Ghinis (the ghosts in the graveyard). This means the screen north of start could contain any group of overworld monsters found in the game.
  • Shuffle Dungeon Monsters - Randomly shuffle where the monsters appear within a given dungeon. All monster groups will still be present in the dungeon, but shuffled.
  • Shuffle Monsters Between Levels - If selected, then enemy groups may switch between dungeons (so for example, Goriyas found in 6, or Darknuts in 1).
  • Add 2nd Quest Monsters - If selected, enemy sets from 2nd quest may be included in the enemy shuffle. (Including blue/red bubbles). All stalfos will shoot swords, and ropes will be stronger than normal.
  • Shuffle Level 9 Monsters - If selected, enemy groups may also be switched in Level 9 (for example, you may have darknuts or goriyas in there). Note that this means that you will be much more likely to see an extra wizzrobe dungeon in the first 8 dungeons.
  • Shuffle Gannon and Zelda - Normally, "Shuffle Dungeon Monsters" leaves Zelda and Gannon in their normal rooms. This option shuffles them as well, so you will have to explore Level 9 to find Zelda.
  • "Most Enemy HP" - Select randomization to regular enemy HP. Options include:
    • Normal
    • +/- 2 HP (1 white sword hit)
    • +/- 4 HP (1 magical sword hit)
    • 0 HP
    • Random
  • "Boss HP" - Similar to the above, this will shuffle boss HP as described above.
  • Set Gannon HP to 0 - If selected, Gannon's HP will be set so he can die in one wood sword hit. Note that if you fail to kill Gannon, his HP will be reset to 5 HP (due to game mechanics).
  • Shuffle Bosses - If selected, then the bosses will be shuffled between dungeons (meaning Gleeok may be found in 1, or Patra in 3). Odds are weighted to reduce the odds of Patra in larger dungeons, but it may happen.
  • Randomize Item Drop Rate - If selected, the enemy drop rate for each "group" that drops items will be randomized. Drop rate will be set between 30-70% of the time.
  • Shuffle Enemy Drop Groups - Normally, enemies fall in to a given group, which has guaranteed drops (see the Red Candle site for more information on this). If this option is selected, the enemies in each group will be randomized. Note that this means that enemies that don't normally drop items (red/black keese, like likes, gels) may drop items! Blue keese are guaranteed to not drop items (due to bugs in the game when they do).
  • Make Important Items Drops - If selected, the "important" game items will be added to the enemy drop table, resulting in the ability to kill enemies to obtain items. Potential drops include: magical sword, both boomerangs, silver arrows, bow, red candle, recorder, bait, wand, book, raft, ladder, magical key, power bracelet, red ring.
  • Shuffle Enemy Groups - If selected, the enemy dungeon groups will be mixed. This may result, for example, in Goriyas and Wizzrobes found in the same dungeon. By default, the group containing Wizzrobes will remain in level 9 (unless you select "Shuffle Level 9 Monsters").
  • Shuffle Overworld Group - If selected, the overworld enemies (Moblins, Lynels, Tektites) will be added to the group shuffle as well. This may result in dungeon enemies on the overworld and vice versa.

Misc Tab

  • Item Sprites - Select the kind of sprites you want for the items. Options include:
    • Normal
    • Fun % - A variant which changes the graphics of the game, such that all items have the same sprite (just different colors). It doesn't affect game mechanics, but will help force you to pick up items you may normally skip.
    • Sprite Shuffle - Similar to Fun %, this changes item graphics, but now each item may have a different graphic.
    • Random
  • Link Sprite - Allows you to pick what sprite you want to use for Link to play as. You can play as Link, Zelda, Old Man, Old Woman, Merchant, Gibdo, Stalfos, Goriya, Lynel, Moblin, Darknut, Wizzrobes or Trogdor.
  • Starting Tunic Color - If selected, you can change the tunic color that you start with (normally green). Several options are available. This does not change the blue ring/red ring tunic colors.
  • Randomize Other Tunics - If selected, the color of the red/blue tunics will be randomly assigned as well.
  • Swordless - Removes swords from the three caves you find them. Wooden sword cave gives Blue Candle, Magical sword cave gives bombs, and White Sword cave gives one dungeon item; white sword and magic sword caves still require 5/12 hearts. New to 3.1, there will be no sword added. Instead, the wand can now damage Gannon.
  • Enable Item Swap with Select - If selected, you can use the Select button to toggle items, without going into the pause screen.
  • Replace Book Fire with Explosion - If selected, the fire caused by the book will instead be replaced by a bomb explosion. To balance this, the book replaces the most expensive shield in the item shop at a cost of 200 rupees (a shield replaces the book in the dungeon). If shop items are shuffled, the book is guaranteed to be in the rarest shop (1 occurrence on the overworld).
  • Speed Up Text - If selected, the speed at which old men talk will be tripled.
  • OHKO - If selected, any time you would normally take damage (being hit by anything except a bubble), you die instead. Yes you read that right. One hit death. Good luck.
  • Shuffle Music - Change up the Music in the game (the overworld and each dungeon will have one of four different songs).
  • Disable Music - If selected, no music will play during the game. Sound effects will still play.
  • Blackout - If selected, the palette for each dungeon will be black. It appears to be able to be lit up by bombs briefly, but that's about it. Expert players only!
  • Print Quest Info - Prints a log file that has information about what items are in what dungeons, and where those caves are located. Note that this option gives a different ROM than if it is unchecked; for racing, we recommend you leave this option unchecked.