Dawn of Sorrow/Portrait of Ruin/Order of Ecclesia


Original Post: https://github.com/LagoLunatic/dsvrandom

Creator: LagoLunatic


    • DSVRandom has options to randomize: Items/Skills: Randomizes items and skills you find lying on the ground. Enemy Locations: Randomizes which non-boss enemies appear where. Enemy Drops: Randomizes the items, souls, and glyphs dropped by non-boss enemies, as well as their drop chances. Boss Souls: Randomizes the souls dropped by bosses as well as Wallman's glyph (DoS/OoE only). Item Stats/Behavior: Randomizes item stats and how weapons behave. Skill Stats/Behavior: Randomizes skill stats and how skills behave. Shop Items: Randomizes what items are for sale in the shop. Wooden Chest Items: Randomizes the pool of items for wooden chests in each area (OoE only). Villagers: Randomizes where villagers are located (OoE only). Weapon Synthesis: Randomizes which items Yoko can synthesize (DoS only). Enemy Stats: Randomizes enemy stats, weaknesses, and resistances. There are also some buggy, experimental options: Players: Randomizes player graphics and movement stats. Boss Locations: Randomizes which bosses appear where. Area Connections: Randomizes which areas connect to each other. Room Connections: Randomizes which rooms within an area connect to each other. Starting Room: Randomizes which room you start in. Enemy AI: Shuffles the AI of non-boss enemies (extremely buggy). Skill Sprites: Randomizes the graphics used by each skill. Enemy Animation Speed: Randomizes the speed at which each enemy's animations play at, which affects their attack speed. Every seed should be completable as long as you don't use the experimental options. If you think you've found a seed that's unwinnable, first check the spoiler log (located at /logs/spoiler_log.txt) to make sure you haven't missed something. If you haven't missed anything then you can report the bug here: https://github.com/LagoLunatic/dsvrandom/issues When making a bug report be sure to include the seed, randomizer version number, and all the options you checked. The easiest way to do that is to simply copy paste the relevant entry from the spoiler log, which lists all of those.