
Here is my page for transcribed wills. Usually I have scans of the originals, so please let me know if you would like any of them. I also occasionally have probate documents, so feel free to enquire about them, too.

William Halls 1844 - 1915

This is the last will of me William Halls of the City of Toronto in the County of York contractor.

1. I direct all my just debts funeral & testamentary expenses to be first paid by my executors and the residue of my estate to be dispersed of as follows:

2. To my beloved wife Susan Halls I bequeath all my household furniture & personal effects absolutely and the sum of $200.00 in cash to be paid her by my executors as soon as possible after my decease.

3. I direct my executors & trustees to pay to my wife all the income arising from any estate withholding income from proceeds of insurance in the Ancient Order of United Workmen, and if in any year such income shall not amount to $500.00 I direct my executors to pay sufficiently out of the principal of my estate to make the income $500.00. The provisions for my wife in this my will are in lieu of dower.

4. After the death of my wife I desire my executors and trustees to distribute my estate including proceeds of such insurance equally among my two sons and two daughters: Harry H. Halls, Fred W. Halls, Annie Louisa Martin and Alice M. Wood.

5. I appoint Harry H. Halls and Alice M. Wood executors & trustees of this my will, and if either of them should die then the survivor shall appoint one of my other children in his or her place.

6. The executors may with the counsel of my wife sell the house we are now living in at 58 Indian Road Crescent, Toronto and invest the proceeds thereof. She is to have free use of such house or of any substituted house.

7. My executors with my wife's counsel may build or purchase a house for my wife's use with the proceeds of my estate.

8. My executors may with my wife's approval from time to time realize upon any of my investments & reinvest this money and may postpone selling in their discretion.

9. My son Fred being indebted to me in the sum of $1400.00 on a promissory note which bears the interest of 6% & my son-in-law W. J. Martin being indebted to me in the sum of $2157.00 on a promissory note which bears interest at 5%, the shares of Fred W. Halls & Annie Louisa Martin in my estate respectively are subject to payment of these notes.

10. My executors obtain payment of $500.00 from Howard Park Church they may distribute it in charity or otherwise at their discretion.

Dated this 17th day of February, 1915.

Philip Halls 1811 - 1866

I Phillip Halls of the Town of St. Thomas in the County of Elgin and Province of Canada declare this to be my last Will and Testament as Follows

First. I give and devise unto my beloved wife Catherine all the land on which my dwelling-house stands to hold her and her heirs for ever and also the furniture therein and household goods and the outbuildings thereunto belonging.

Second. I give to my dear Son John that property or lot of land which is situate on the North side of Talbot Street opposite the Store of Edward Ermatinger Esquire to hold to him and his heirs for ever.

Third. I also give and bequeath to my dear Son Samuel being my oldest son my Library except some books which are in the house which belong to Mr Edward Rogers the said Library to remain in the house with my beloved Wife for her use in reading but not to be disposed of be her in any way and giving my Son Samuel free access to them whenever he may require.

Fourth. I also give and bequesth to my beloved wife all my personal property not otherwise disposed of and all debts and claims and sums of money which are owingor in any way due me for her use and support.

Lastly. I hereby nominate and appoint Thomas Stacey of the Town of St. Thomas in the County of Elgin and Province aforesaid as Executor of this my said last Will and Testament and from our long aquaintance and confidence I have in him as a friend and Christian know that he will look after the interest of my beloved Wife in the collection of all monies due me and in such other ways as a good and faithful Executor and firend ought to do.

An I do hereby further appoint the said Thomas Stacey Trustee over the property by this my said Will devised to... and Son John till he comes o fthe full age of twenty one years.

In witness whereof I the Testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this Eighteenth day of June A.D. 1866.

Samuel Pollard Halls 1838 - 1900

This is the last Will and Testament of me Samuel Pollard Halls of the Town of Goderich, County of Huron, Province of Ontario, High School Teacher made this Thirtieth day of July One thousand eight hundred and seventy nine.

First. I bequeath the Two thousand dollars assurance on my life assured by the Ancient Order of United Workmen, to my brother Philip John Halls.

Second. All my household furniture, ready money, securities for money, money secured by life assurance (other than the above) goods and chattels and all my other estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my well beloved wife, Charlotte Halls, her heirs, executors, administrators and assigns To and for her and their? own absolute use and benefit according to the nature and quality thereof respectively. Subject only to the payment of my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and the charges of moving and registering this my will. And thereby appoint my beloved wife Charlotte Halls sole Executrix of this my will. And hereby revoking all other wills, I declare this only to be my last will and testament.

In Witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year above written.

Samuel P. Halls

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Samuel Pollard Halls the testator as... his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution thereof

Peter Adamson of the Town of Goderich

Hugh I. Strang of the Town of Goderich

Thomas Thomas Halls 1860 - 1892 Dots ... indicate words I could not read

I Thomas Halls of the City of Belleville in the County of Hastings and Province of Ontario Canadabeing of sound mind and one ... ... make and disclose this to be my last Will and Testament ... is to say.

1st After all my lawful debts and funeral and testamentary expenses are paid I bequeath yo my daughter Minnie Halls the gold watch, gold chain, and diamond ring left me by my late step-mother, requesting that she always keep them in rememberance of me and my love to her.

2nd I give to my beloved wife Minnie T. Halls all residue of my property and possessions of whatever kind that I am possessed of or may at any time become possessed of or have claim to for her sole and only use during her natural life, and should there be any portion remaining at the time of her death I hereby direct that it shall revert to my daughter Minnie Halls.

3rd I hereby appoint my wife Minnie T Halls as my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and I appoint my said wife Guardian of my infant children.

4th I hereby expressly desire that the testamentary expenses incurred? by presenting and passing this my last Will and Testament through the Probate Court be avoided if possible.

Dated at Belleville aforesaid this ninth day of November one thousand eight hundred and ninety one. In witness hereof I the testator have ... set my hand and seal.

Signed sealed and delivered by me the testator in the presence of us, unto in his presence, and at his request; and in in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

Jas B Wallace Belleville

F. C. Stephenson Belleville Ont

William Halls 1791 - 1842 Merton, Devon

In the name of God Amen. I William Halls Snr of the parish of Merton in the County of Devon Mason being Weak of Body but sound of Mind Memory and Understanding Praise be to Almighty? God for the same do make publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner form and following that is to say I give devise and bequeath unto my dear Wife Sally Halls all that my Leasehold ??? Garden orchard and all appurtenances thereunto belonging situate being and ??? part of Great Potheridge Barton in the said Parish of Merton who is to keep the same in perfect Repair and also all my Household Goods ??? Chattels and all other my property whatsoever to have and to hold unto my said Wife during and unto the End of Her Material Life and from and after her decease I do hereby Will and direct that the before mentioned Leasehold property Household Goods ?? to become my two daughters Nancy and Elizabeth as follows that is to say the House Garden and Orchard which I now occupy in ?? Dwelling and also my Clock I give unto my eldest Daughter Nancy and the Residue and Remainder of my aforesaid Leasehold Houses Gardens and appurtenances thereunto beloonging. I give to my youngest daughter Elizabeth after allowiing her sister three years rent of the said ??? to finish that part of the House now unfinished and the rest residue and remainder of my Household Furniture Goods Chattels and effects whatsoever after de?? my said Wife ??? ?? it be equally divided between my two aforesaid daughters except the Clock before named and my eldest daughter to hold the Lease of said Premises for whom she may appoint. And I give unto Nancy?Mary? daughter of the late Elizabeth Halls all the Household Furniture that was her late Mother's And I do hereby nominate ?? and appoint my said wife Sally Halls the Executrix? of this my last Will. And I do hereby Revoke all former or other Will or Wills by me at some time heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Twenty ninth day of February in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Forty.

Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named William Halls the Testator as and for His last Will and Testament in the presence of Us who as His record in His presence and in the freedom of each other have subscribed our Names as Witness Hereunto

William Halls Jnr

Robert Down

William Halls


His Mark

John Halls 1747 - 1821 Merton, Devon

In the name of God amen, I John Halls of the parish of Merton in the County of Devon yeoman being in an unfortunate state of health and weakness of the body but sound of mind memory and understanding praise be to almighty God for the same do make, publish, and declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (this is to say).

First and principally I give and commend my soul unto the hands of almighty God that gave it to me. And as to my worldly affairs and estate wherewith it hath pleased God to ??? I gave as follows (viz). I nominate and appoint Mr John Quance of the parish of Merton to be my sole trustee to see this my will executed according to the whole tenor thereof as is hereafter specified. Also as there is one hundred twenty Pound as a mortgage on my Estate I do devise that it is to be levied on my Estate as follows - that is the trustee is to take the rent of all that Close or field called by the name of Pale Gate and also all those Dwelling Houses belonging to the Estate except that in which I dwell together with the Garden thereunto belonging and also all that Orchard called Bishop Hey Orchard with the appurtenance there unto belonging and Deposit the same in the Exeter Savings Bank until the ??? income of the same shall amount to the before mentioned sum and after wards to sink into my other part or share of the estate.

And also I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Elizabeth Halls all that Leasehold field or close of land called the park with the appurtenance now in my occupation and also all that my Dwelling House Garden and Orchard thereunto belonging situate lying and being in the said parish of Merton aforesaid in which I now reside and also the whole of my household furniture (except the Round Oak Table and Half Dozen of Chainai which I give to my grandson John Hall) and after the before mentioned mortgage or sum shall be laid in the before mentioned field Orachard and Dwelllings on which it was ??? become one in the hand of my Executrix together with field ??? Garden Orchard and other appurtenance thereunto belonging herein afore mentioned to hold unto my said Dear wife and her ??? for and ??? and unto the full end and form of her natural life and from and after her decease.

Then I do hereby will and direct that it is to be divided in manner hereinafter mentioned. And I do will and direct that if my Wife Elizabeth Halls shall marry again after my decease that in such case and immediately on with record of marriage the said fields houses Orchards and Gardens with the appurtenances shall sink from her and become my children's as is hereinafter directed and the furniture to be equally divided amongst her and her children by me lawfully together.

And also I give and bequeath unto my children John, William, Philip, Joseph, Sarah, and Mary, and to my grandson John Halls each and every one of them to have yearly and every year two pounds to be paid them out of the above estate after the before mentioned 120 L is ??? and all incumbrance cleare that and if the said Elizabeth Halls my wife shall marry again and forfeit her estate there by the same or income thereof or in case of her decease it is my will to divide it equally among the before named persons according to this Legacy only taking there out first seventy pounds per year for each child of the afores Elizabeth Halls by me lawfully together.

And I do hereby nominate and constitute and appoint my wife Elizabeth Halls my sole Executrix of this my last will and testament revoking all former wills by me at any time made and do declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In witness where unto I have set my Hand and Seal the twenty third Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one.

Signed sealed and published and declared by the above named John Halls as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are subscribed as witness

Thom as Smith

Robt Down

This and the preceding ??? of ??? contain a true copy of the last Will and Testament of John Halls late of Merton Devon yeoman ?????? this fourth day of June? one thousand eight hundred and twenty one

James ???

Will of Maria Halls nee Sewell 1826 - 1889, wife of Thomas Halls 1818-1891

In Her Majesty’s Surrogate Court of the County of Middlesex

Be it known that on the nineteenth day of July in the year of

of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty nine the

last will and testament with codicils of Maria Halls late of the

Township of Westminster in the County of Middlesex and Province

of Ontario, married woman, deceased, who died on or about the

First day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight

hundred and eighty-nine at the Township of Westminster in

the County of Middlesex, and who at the time of her death had

a fixed place of abode at the Township of Westminster in the

said County of Middlesex, was proved and registered in the

said Surrogate Count, true copies of which said last will and

testament with codicils are hereunder written, and that the

administration of all and singular the real and personal

estate, and effects, rights and credits of the said deceased and

anyway concerning her will and codicils was granted by the

aforesaid Court to Richard Portingall Smith of the Town of

Strathroy in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, and Thomas

Halls the younger of the City of Toronto in the County of York,

Street Light Inspector, the Executors named in the said will and

Codicils, they having been first sworn well and faithfully to

administer the same by paying the just debts of the deceased and

the legacies contained in her will and codicils so far as they are thereto

bound by law, and to exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all and

singular the said estate and effects, rights and credits and to render a

just and true account of their executorship whenever requested by law

so to do.

(Signed) John Macbeth

Registrar of the Surrogate Court of the County of Middlesex

Copy of the last will and testament with codicils of Maria Halls

late of the Township of Westminster in the County of Middlesex, married

woman, deceased.

I, Maria Halls of the Village of Lambeth in the Township of Westminster

and County of Middlesex and Province of Ontario and Dominion of Canada

do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby

revoking all former wills made by me at any time heretofore


1st I hereby appoint Richard P. Smith of the Town of Strathroy and

Thomas Halls Junior of the Village of Lambeth and both of the

County of Middlesex to be my executors of this my last will and

testament, directing my said executors to pay all my just debts

and funeral expenses and all the legacies herein after given

out of my estate.

2nd I will and give to Thomas Halls Junior all my goods and

chattels (except monies or securities for money) now in my possession

or that may be in my possession to be for his and only use and

benefit, and I direct that he shall keep the same and shall not sell

or dispose of them.

3rd I will and bequeath to Thomas Halls Junior the sum of two thousand

dollars on condition that he pay to his father Thomas Hall senior

the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars ($120) yearly and I direct

that he pay the same in Quarterly payments of thirty dollars each. The

said sum to be paid to Thomas Halls Senior during his natural life,

and I direct that on payment of the said sum of Two Thousand

dollars the said Thomas Halls Junior shall give to Thomas Halls

senior security for the payment of one hundred and twenty dollars

yearly in quarterly payments of Thirty dollars each during his natural


4th I will and bequeath to Robert Richards of the Town of Strathroy

(mail carrier) the sum of three hundred dollars ($300).

5th I will and bequeath to Sarah Richards wife of the aforesaid

Robert Richards the sum of One hundred dollars ($100).

6th I will and bequeath to Mary Richards Lamont (daughter of

Robert and Sarah Richards the sum of one hundred and fifty

Dollars ($150).

7th I will and bequeath to Emily Richards daughter of Robert

and Sarah Richards the sum of Fifty dollars ($50).

8th I will and bequeath to Sarah Richards daughter of Robert

and Sarah Richards the sum of Fifty dollars ($50), and I

direct in case either the said Emily or Sarah Richards die

before the execution of this my Last Will then my executors

shall pay to the survivor the sum of one hundred dollars


9th I will and bequeath to Margaret Sarah Halls the

sum of one hundred dollars ($100).

10th I will and bequeath

to Ellen Halls the sum of one hundred dollars ($100), the said

Margaret Sarah Halls and Ellen Halls both daughters of Samuel

Halls of the Village of Ainleyville [Elimville] and County of Huron, and I

direct my executors in case of the death of either Margaret Sarah

Halls or her sister Ellen Halls to pay to the survivor the sum

of Two hundred dollars ($200).

11th I will and bequeath to the

children or surviving children of Louisa Halls Tanton the sum

of Six hundred dollars ($600) to be paid to the surviving children of

the said Louisa Halls Tanton on the youngest child being of the age

of Twenty one years, and I direct my executors to Invest the said

sum of Six hundred dollars ($600) in Government or County Securities

and shall Invest the Interest accruing from time to time in Savings

Bank or otherwise, and shall on the youngest child coming of age

divide the sum equally amongst the surviving children of the said

Louisa Tanton.

12th I will and bequeath to the children of William Halls

of the Village of Delaware the sum of Five hundred and fifty dollars ($550)

on conditions the said William Halls pays his promissory note made

by him to me for the sum of Five hundred and fifty dollars ($550)

bearing date March (A.D. 1874), and I direct in case of the payment of the

said note (but not otherwise then my executors shall Invest the said sum in

Government or County securities and shall invest the interest accruing from time

to time in Saving Bank or otherwise and shall divide the sum equally

amongst his children (surviving) on the youngest child becoming the age

of Twenty one years, but in case the said William Halls do not pay the

said note then in that case I direct the Twelfth clause of this my last

will null and void and shall be of no effect whatsoever.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Thirteenth day

of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty one.

(Signed ) Maria Halls

Signed, Sealed, published and declared by the said Maria Halls as and for her

last will and testament in the presence of us, who in the presence of each other

and at her request have subscribed our names as Witnesses hereunto

(Signed) Donald Brown of the Town of Strathroy, Potter

(Signed) Thomas Brown of the Town of Strathroy, (occupation illegible)

This codicil to the last will and testament of Maria Halls of the Village of Lambeth in the

Township of Westminster and County of Middlesex and Province of Ontario and Dominion

of Canada, Gentlewoman, bearing date the Thirteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one

thousand eight hundred and eighty one. I hereby revoke that portion of bequest of all my goods

and chattels to Thomas Halls Junior is so far as it relates to my jewellry and wearing apparel

and do give and bequeath to Thomas Halls Junior a Diamond Ring also one Garnet Ring and my

gold watch and chain. I give and bequeath to Ellen Halls, daughter of James Halls, one Gold Locket.

I give and bequeath to Jennie Halls, daughter of James Halls, 1 set of Silver Jewellry and a Pair

of Gold Hoop Ear rings. I give and bequeath to Emma Richards of the Town of Strathroy one

set of Cameo Jewellry, also one Gold Ring with Pearl and Amythest setting. I give and

bequeath to Sarah Halls, daughter of Samuel Halls, one set of Gold Jewellry also one Gold Ring

with Black settings. I give and bequeath to Mary Lamont of the Town of Strathroy two flower

Gold Rings. I give and bequeath to Nellie Halls, daughter of James Halls, two small Gold

Rings. I give and bequeath to Louisa Tanton, daughter of Thomas Halls, my Gold Wedding Ring.

I give and bequeath to Sarah Halls daughter of Samuel Halls, Nellie Halls daughter of Samuel

Halls, Louisa Tanton daughter of Thomas Halls, Mary Lamont of Strathroy, Emma Richards

and Sarah Richards of Strathroy all my wearing apparel and do direct my executors to

equally divide the same as they may direct and think best to do.

In all other respects, I do confirm my said will. In Witness whereof I have hereunto

set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of July in the year of our Lord One

thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. (Signed) Maria Halls

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Maria Halls, the testator, as and for a codicil

to the last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in the presence of each

other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses to the due execution hereof

(Signed) W.H. Armstrong of the Town of Strathroy, Gentleman

(Signed) R. Richards of the Town of Strathroy, Gentleman

This Codicil to the last will and testament of Maria Halls of the Village of Lambeth

in the Township of Westminster and County of Middlesex and Province of Ontario

and Dominion of Canada, Gentlewoman, bearing date the Second day of October

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty five. I hereby revoke that

portion and bequest as Number 9 and 10 of my will bearing date 13th day of December A.D. 1881 giving to Margaret Sarah Halls and Ellen Halls, daughters of Samuel Halls of the Village of Ainleyville,

the sum of One hundred dollars each. I also revoke that portion of my codicil to the said will

bearing date the 13th day of December A.D. 1881 giving Sarah Halls one set of Gold Jewellry and one

Gold ring with Black setting also giving Nellie Halls, both daughters of Samuel Halls, as before

described a share in my clothes as directed in the said codicil. I give and bequeath the said Gold

set of Jewellry to Anne Halls, and the Gold Ring with Black setting to Alice Halls, both daughters of

William Halls of the Village of Lambeth. And I give and bequeath to Henry Halls, Frederick Halls, Anne Halls, Alice Halls and Blanche Halls, children of William Halls of the Village of Lambeth,

the sum of Four hundred dollars to be equally divided and to be paid their share or shares

on coming to the age of twenty one years and in case of death of any of the said children, their share

or shares to be equally divided among the surviving children, and I direct my executors to invest the

said sum of Four hundred dollars in Savings Bank or otherwise and pay the share of each child on

their coming to the age of Twenty one years. I hereby direct that as soon as any of the children

coming to the age of Twenty one years then my executors shall pay or cause to be

paid their share of the said six hundred dollars as bequeathed by me to the said

children of Louisa Halls Tanton. And I direct my executors to pay each their share and in

case of death of either of said children, the share or shares of any deceased child

to be equally divided amongst the surviving children of Louisa Halls Tanton.

I give and bequeath to Mary Tanton and Ellen Tanton, two eldest daughters of Lousia

Halls Tanton, the share or shares of my wearing apparel given by me to Sarah Halls and Nellie

Halls (daughters of Samuel Halls) and now by me revoked. In all other respects I do confirm my

last will and testament. In Witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this second day of October

in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-five. (Signed) Maria Halls

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Maria Halls, the testator, as and for a codicil to

her last will and testament in the presence of us who at her request and in the presence of each

other have subscribed our names in Witness to the due execution hereof

(Signed) Mary A. Smith, of the Town of Strathroy, Gentlewoman

(Signed) David Stam(?) of the Township of (?)

Will of James Halls 1830 - 1901 Usborne twp, Huron County, Ontario

This is the last will and testament of me James Halls of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, farmer, made this twenty fifth day of February in this year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and one. I revoke all other Wills or other Testamentary Dispositions by me at any time heretofore made, and declare this to be my last will and testament. I decree all my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses to be paid and satisfied by my Executors hereinafter named as soon as conveneiently may be after my decease. I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal Estate of which possessed of or interested in the manner following that is to say to my beloved wife Mary Ann all my household goods and its effects; also one third of the net proceeds of all my real and personal Estate that I may die possessed of or interested in. All the rest and residue of my real and personal estate I give devise and bequeath to my children Philip T, Mary Jane, Frank, Ella E, Charlotte Ann, and Lily Louisa Halls, Each share and share alike. In case my real estate not being disposed of previous to my decease, I direct my Executors hereinafter named to sell as soon as they deem it adviseable, but within a period not exceeding two years after my decease. I direct my Executors hereinafter named to pay all legacies one year after my death should my real estate be disposed of previous to my decease. If not sold then all legaciesto be paid not later thantwo years after my decease. And I recommend and appoint my beloved wife Mary Ann Halls and my son Philip T Halls to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year first above noted.

Signed, published and declared by the said James Halls the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who both present together at the same time in his presence, at his request and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

(Sgd) James T Jones

(Sgd) Albert E Andrew

Sgd James Halls

Will of John Halls 1827 - 1901 Usborne twp, Huron County, Ontario

This is the last Will and Testament of me John Halls of the Township of Usborne in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, farmer, made this tenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred. I revoke all other wills or other testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made and declare this only to be and contain my last will and testament. I direct all my just debts funeral and testamentory expenses to be paid and satisified by my Executrix herinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease. I give, devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate of which I may die possessed of in the following manner, that is to say; To my daughter Mary two hundred dollars in cash and the sewing machine. The rest and residue of every kind and description or wherever situated to my daughter Annie whom I appoint my sole Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have herunto set my hand the day and year first above mentioned.

Signed, published and declared by the said John Halls the testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who both present together at the same time, in his presence, at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses

(Sgd) James Halls

(Sgd) William Miners

(Sgd) John Halls

Ed. Note: Annie Halls was living in North Dakota at the time of John's death. Mary Halls had died on Feb 28, 1901 of consumption (tuberculosis), John on Mar 24, 1901 of senile decay, so Annie appears to have inherited everything as John was not capable of re-writing his will.