Thomas Thomas Halls

T. T. Halls (deceased), former manager for the Commissioners' Gas Company, at Belleville, was a native of the Dominion of Canada, the year of his birth being 1860, and he was the son of Thomas and Ann (Thomas) Halls.

Thomas Halls was of English birth and parentage, while his wife was a Canadian, and passed her whole life inthat country. Her death occurred in 1864, when her son was only four years of age. Mr. Halls survived her for a number of years. By profession he was a contractor and builder, and during his long residence in Canada he did much work in his special lines.

Thomas T. Halls on first entering the business was employed by his father, as he had by long association become familiar with the details of a builder's occupation. But he soon found that employment not congenial and gave it up. Going to Toronto he secured a position with the Commissioners' Gas Company, of that city. From the first he showed himself more than usually competent and efficient and he soon gained the confidence of his employers to such an extent that he was sent to Belleville to assume management of the branch office there. To this responsibility he proved fully equal, and was discharging the duties of that position at the time of his death. Mr. Halls was at that time only thrity-two years old, and his untimely demise cut short a promising career. He left a widow, Mrs Minnie (Davey) Halls, and a daughter, Minnie Maude, born in Toronto. Both Mr. Halls and his wife were members of the Methodist Church, while in his political views he supported the Conservative party.

Mrs Minnie D. Halls was born on her father's farm near London, Ont., daughter of James and Elizabeth (Baker) Davey, both natives of England. Their marriage occurred subsequently to their coming to Canada, and after it they settled on a farm in County Middlesex, where the rest of their lives were passed. They were members of the Methodist Church, while in politics Mr. Davey was a Conservative.

This bio is from Commemorative Biographical Record of the County of York, Ontario : Containing Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens and Many of the Early Settled Families, Toronto, Ontario: J.H. Beers & Co., 1907, and is available through The Internet Archive,