
DIY Youtube subscriber counter

I have gotten quite a few questions about the electronics that turn my 7-Segment counter

into an IoT Youtube subscriber counter.

So, if you can make use of a basic circuit diagram, here it is.

It is more or less a stripped down Arduino with an on-board driver for a uni-polar stepper motor.

A linear hall effect sensor indexes the initial count after power-up. Multiple digits can be chained

together to display larger numbers and there is also an option for an ESP01 module available.

The count can be fed to the first digit from the outside via serial-in (e.g. from a Raspberry Pi)

or the first digit can be equipped with a Wifi module.

I am currently working on a version of the board that uses only Seeed Studio's OPL parts.

This would make it really easy to order assembled boards.

Samples are in the mail...




Firmware can be found on Github



I've reworked the board for fabrication and it can now (almost) entirely be manufactured by Seeed.

Looks great, too.

I'll make the Gerber files available here soon (see below) so you can order your own boards.

ESP01 Wifi module (ESP8266)

Want to turn it into an internet clock?


In case you are interested to order the boards yourself, directly from Seeed Studio here are the files you will need:

  1. BOM

  2. Gerber files

  3. Support files

  4. Eagle

Additional parts you will need:

  • Hall effect sensor: Allegro A1326 (A1324 and A1325 will likely also work),

    • (or the cheap alternatives SS49, 49E, OH49E, easy to find on aliexpress)

    • cylindrical neodymium magnet, 3x4mm

    • stepper motor, eg. 28BYJ-48

    • some form of 5V power supply

    • a way to program the board (AVR Dragon, ArduinoISP, etc)

    • (optional) ESP01 Wifi module or another way to speak in 5V TTL, 9600 baud, serial to the board

Additional Resources

Great write-up about getting started with ESP8266 by Alasdair Allan

(I kept going back to the page for clear wiring diagrams while re-programming the wifi module)