3.03 Photoshop Tuts

CommTech 3 Students,

In addition to the Doodle that is due on Friday at the beginning of the period, follow the directions and complete any two of the following tuts located in the Thaw Space folder entitled ZCT3 which is located on only the BLUE cube computers. Nicely ask to switch your computer station with a CT1 or CT2 student another student that may be using a blue cube computer if no BLUE computers are available.


  1. Open Thaw Space

  2. Open ZCT3 or CT3 folder

  3. Open Practical Photoshop Icon

  4. click on "Let me in"

  5. Choose one Project tut and one Genius tut.

YOU MUST CHOOSE YOUR OWN IMAGE THAT IS SIMILAR to the one saved for the tutorial.

Complete the two tuts by the end of the period on February 1, 2013. Possible points: 50 each.