RESULTS 2016/17

Thursday 13th April 2017

We lost 0-14 and 65-28 on shots

Mat 1

Sue Hunt, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman lost to K.Winder, D.Knights and S.Warnes 7-14

Mat 2

Alan Bunn, Joan Costello and David Sharpe lost to B.Ayers, B.Burrage and w.Burrage 9-13

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Stephen Hall and Lesley Crowe lost to C.Warnes, J.Bugg and M.Warnes 7-10

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Bob Oatway lost to M.Makins, T.Raisbury and J.Pye 5-25

Monday 10th April 2017

We won 14-0 and 70-20 on shots

Mat 1

Alan Bunn, Rex Cox and David Sharpe beat N.James, S.Fox and M.Tuttle 18-8

Mat 2

Sue Hunt, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman beat J.Hubbard, C.Kemp and V.Webster 19-4

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Steve Hall and Lesley Crowe beat L.Frank, P.Fox and R.Frank 18-4

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Betty Cox and bob Oatway beat M.Kemp, R.Hubbard and J.James 15-4

Monday 3rd April 2017


We lost 4-10 and 38-43 on shots

Mat 1

Linda Tooes, Sue Hunt and Rex Cox beat G.Gray, L.Cranston and N.Hurn 16-8

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman lost to J.Gray, O.Cranston and R.Cranston 8-11

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway and Lesley Crowe lost to A.Payne, A.Bennett and G.Payne 3-18

Mat 2

Betty Cox and Bob Oatway beat D.Blythe, S.Roe and M.Roe 11-6

Monday 20th March 2017


We won 12-2 and50-40 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, David Sharpe and Steve Hall beat G.Kidd, V.Copland and K.Brown 9-8

Mat 2

Betty Cox, Joan Costello and Lesley Crowe beat B.Sayer, R.Kidd and G.Atter 23-8

Mat 1Betty Patterson, Ken Holmes and Rex Cox beat C.Musk, T.Musk and D.Bunn 12-10

Mat 2

Glennis Holmes, Alan Bunn and Colin Coman lost to M.Reynolds, M.Reynolds and G.Adcock 6-14

Friday 17th March 2017


We lost 0-14 and 28-65 on shots

Mat 1

Muriel Dugdale, Betty Patterson and Bob Oatway lost to N.Tenekoon, R.Thomas and C.Mann 7-21

Mat 2

Trevor Shelley, Linda Tooes and Glennis Holmes lost to R.Hall, R.Sutton and L.Hawksworth 6-16

Mat 1

Ken Holmes, Joan Costello and Colin Coman lost to D.Thomas, J.Hill and M.Hill 9-14

Mat 2

Bob Patterson, Elaine Oatway and Lesley Crowe lost to G.Amos, C.Mohammed and R.Amos 6-14

Wednesday 1st March 2017


We lost 3-11 and 32-49 on shots

Mat 1

Sue Hunt, Alan Bunn and Lesley Crowe lost to M.Fuller, R.Steele and M.Ottaway 5-14

Mat 2

Betty Cox, Steve Hall and Bob Oatway beat D.Muttitt, C.Mann and B.Herman 10-9

Mat 1

Ken Holmes, Rex Cox and David Sharpe drew with S.Brown, B.Todd and J.Brown 10-10

Mat 2

Linda Tooes, Glennis Holmes and Colin Coman lost to M.Poynter, J.Warner and J.Poynter 7-16

Monday 13th February 2017


We won 14-0 and 55-35 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Sue Hunt and Rex Cox beat P.Johnson, D.Stearman and A.Claxton 14-10

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Betty Cox and Bob Oatway beat C.Baker, D.Banham and C.Banham 13-9

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Joan Costello and Lesley Crowe beat P.Stearma, P.Baker and M.Baker 18-7

Mat 2

Trevor Shelley, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman beat D.Scarf, R.Brock and B.Annison 10-9

Monday 6th February 2017


We won 14-0 and 52-29 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Linda Tooes and Lesley Crowe beat M.Harris, M.Dease and K.Dease 11-7

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Betty Cox and Bob Oatway beat R.Whitmore, D.Halford and K.Halford 15-5

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Rex Cox and Glennis Holmes beat M.Curchin, M.Boswell and D.Boswell 10-8

Mat 2

K.Holmes, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman beat P.Curchin, V.Harris and M.Woodhouse 16-9

Monday 30th January 2017


We lost 0-14 and 34-53 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Rex Cox and David Sharpe lost to M.McPherson, S.Turner and K.Frost 10-13

Mat 2

Betty Cox, Alan Bunn and Glennis Holmes lost to J.Pinchen, T.Pinchen and G.Clarke 9-14

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Ken Holmes and Lesley Crowe lost to T.Nickerson, M.Marshall and J.Jarvis 10-14

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Steve Hall and Bob Oatway lost R.Perkins, B.McPherson and T.Turner 5-12

Wednesday25th January 2017


We drew 7-7 and 37-37 on shots

Mat 1

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Bob Oatway beat V.Gedge, T.Curry-Smith and E.Herbert 10-6

Mat 2

Trevor Shelley, Joan Costello and Colin Coman lost to B.Holmes, J.Youngs and A.Youngs 6-9

Mat 1

Ken Holmes, Rex Cox and Lesley Crowe beat K.McNamee, F.Mathews and D.Piloni 15-5

Mat 2

Betty Cox, Sue Hunt and Glennis Holmes lost to A.Furness, S.Sawyer and L.Sawyer 6-17

Monday 16th January 2017


We won 12-2 and 46-37 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Rex Cox and David Sharpe beat L.Chadwick, L.Harman and D.Dewing 13-10

Mat 2

Linda Tooes, Alan Bunn and Colin Coman beat P.Johnson, M.Juby and M.Harman 7-6

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe lost to M.Jackson,L.Chadwick and T.Fletcher 9-14

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Steve Hall and Bob Oatway beat J.Graver, M.Munford and G.Munford 17-7

Thursday 12th January 2017


We lost 0-14 and 32-54 on shots

Mat 1

Ken Holmes, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman lost to S.Andrews, B.Andrews and S.Andrews 10-11

Mat 2

Bob Patterson, Linda Tooes and Rex Cox lost to A,Richards, P.Dormer and R.Hart 5-15

Mat 1

Betty Patterson, Glennis Holmes and Bob Oatway lost to G.Rice ,P.Smart and M.Coxhall 7-14

Mat 2

Elaine Oatway, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe lost to J.Carter, M.Skinner and P.Carter 10-14

Monday 2nd January 2017


We lost 3-11 and 36 49 on shots

Mat 1

Betty Cox, Alan Bunn and Bob Patterson lost to M.Kemp, R.Dix and C.Woodhouse 5-16

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Muriel Dugdale and Rex Cox lost to P.Fox, A.Drummee and M.Tuttle 5-20

Mat 1

Trevor Shelley, David Sharpe and Lesley Crowe beat N.James, C.Kemp and V.Webster 16-3

Mat 2

Joan Costello, Sue Hunt and Colin Coman drew with D.Davitt, S.Fox and J.James 10-10

Monday 19th December 2016


We lost 2-12 and 31-50 on shots

Mat 1

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman lost to P.Cognetti, D.Knights and M.Warnes 9-19

Mat 2

Eddie Costello, Joe LiRocchi and Bob Oatway lost to K.Winder, B.Burrage and W.Burrage 5-13

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Joan Costello and Lesley Crowe beat B.Ayers, D.Claxton and R.Ayers 9-8

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Ken Holmes and Glennis Holmes lost to C.Warnes, C.Walsmgrove and S.Warnes 8-10

Monday 21st November 2016


We won 12-2 and 49-36 on shots

Mat 1Bob Patterson, Joan Costello and Rex Cox lost to J.Hill, D.Thomas and M.Hill 10-11

Mat 2

Sue Hunt, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman beat N.Tenekoon, L,Hawksworth and R.Sutton 11-8

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe beat G.Amos, R.Hill and R.Amos 15-6

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Bob Oatway beat K.Atkins, J.Robertson and R.Thomas 13-11

Sunday 13th November 2016


We lost 2-12 and 38-49 on shots

Mat 1

Betty Patterson, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe lost to G.Gray, S.Roe and M.Roe 5-14

Mat 2

Joan Costello, David Sharpe and Bob Patterson lost to A.Payne, A.Couperthwaite and G.Payne 5-13

Mat 1

Linda Tooes, Alan Bunn and Rex Cox lost to J.Gray, O.Cranston and R.Cranston 12-14

Mat 2

Sue Hunt, Trevor Shelley and Colin Coman beat C.Cranston, L.Cranston and N.Hurn 16-8

Thursday 11th November 2016


We won 11-3 and 49-34 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Alan Bunn and Rex Cox beat M.Reynolds, M.Reynolds and G.Adcock 16-9

Mat 2

Trevor Shelley, David Sharpe and Colin Coman beat C.Musk, T.Musk and D.Bunn 20-2

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe lost to G.Kidd, V.Copeland and K.Bunn 2-12

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Betty Patterson and Bob Oatway drew with B.Sayer, R.Kidd and R.Harrowing 11-11

Monday 7th November 2016


We won 14-0 and 59-25 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Alan Bunn and Rex Cox beat D.Muttitt, C.Mann and B.Herman 15-10

Mat 2

Linda Tooes, David Sharpe and Colin Coman beat M.Fuller, J.Warner and M.Ottaway 12-8

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Joan Costello and Lesley Crowe beat S.Brown, B.Ottaway and J.Brown 10-5

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Betty Cox and Bob Oatway beat M.Poynter, B.Todd and J.Poynter 22-5

Monday 31st October 2016


We won 10-4 and 57-36 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Alan Bunn and Rex Cox beat D.Banham, P.Baker and D.Stearman 13-9

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman lost to C.Baker, R.Brock and C.Banham 7-9

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, David Sharpe and Lesley Crowe beat D.Scarfe, M.Randall and B.Annison 26-6

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Trevor Shelley and Bob Oatway lost to P.Stearman, M.Baker and A.Claxton 11-12

Monday 24th October 2016


We won 10-4 and 46-41 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Linda Tooes and Rex Cox lost to B.Sizer, R.Whitmore and D.Walker 4-19

Mat 2

Trevor Shelley, Ken Holmes and Colin Coman beat M.Dease, K.Dease and A Walker 23-4

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway, Betty Cox and Lesley Crowe beat P.Curchin, D.Halford and K.Halford 11-8

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Glennis Holmes and Bob Oatway lost to M.Curchin, D.Boswell and M.Boswell 8-10

Tuesday 1th October 2016


We lost 0-14 and 26-54 on shots

Mat 1

Linda Tooes, Betty Cox and Colin Coman lost to M.Marshall, P.Walker and M.Hall 4-13

Mat 2

Bob Patterson, Sue Hunt and Rex Cox lost to J.Walker, S.Turner and J.Jarvis 9-12

Mat 1

Elaine Oatway and Lesley Crowe Lost to J.Pinchen, T.Pinchen and G.Clarke 10-15

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Betty Patterson and bob Oatway lost to S.Redwood, K.Frost and T.Turner 3-14

Monday 3rd October 2016


We lost 4-10 and 40-46 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Joan Costello and Rex Cox lost to J.Youngs, F.Matthews and A.Youngs 6-12

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman lost to K.McNamee, B.Knigts and R.Taylor 8-14

Mat 1

Sue Hunt, Betty Cox and Elaine Oatway beat A.Furness, S.Sawyer and L.Sawyer 14-10

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Trevor Shelley and Bob Oatway beat M.Pitcher, C.Pitcher and P.Norton 12-10

Monday 26th September 2016


We won 12-2 and 47-32 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, David Sharpe and Rex Cox beat W.Graver, L.Mason and T.Fletcher 14-8

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Trevor Shelley and Bob Oatway lost to C,Johnson, M.Munford and G.Munford 8-14

Mat 1

Sue Hunt, Betty Cox and Elaine Oatway beat M.Jackson, J.Graver and D.Dewing 11-4

Mat 2

Alan Bunn, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman beat A,Herring, F.Davey and D.Kemble 14-6

Monday 19th September 2016


We lost 4-10 and 43-46 on shots

Mat 1

Bob Patterson, Joan Costello and Rex Cox beat A.Richards, H.Hart and R. Hart 13-7

Mat 2

Muriel Dugdale, Linda Tooes and Colin Coman lost to Sh. Andrews, B.Andrews and P.Smart 10-16

Mat 1

Sue Hunt, Betty Cox and Elaine Oatway lost to S.Coxhall, G.Rice and M.Coxhall 10-16

Mat 2

Betty Patterson, Trevor Shelley and Bob Oatway beat J.Carter, P.Dormer and P.Carter 10-7