
In our annual match against Bradwell the first leg was away and we lost 87-101.

The match was played on 3 mats over 5 sessions. The best performing triple was Julia Cummins. Betty Cox and skip Elaine Oatway winning all three of their games by a total of 30-13.

A great evening of bowls thanks to Bradwell for their hospitality and refreshments

The second leg of the Bradwell friendly at home was played over four sessions of 15 ends on 2 mats we won 2 and drew 2 winning the match 59-38 thus winning overall by 7 shots.

Mat 1, Ralph Wilson, Linda Tooes and Rex Cox were 11-5 down, against J. Collins, K. Baker and A. Collins, after 9 ends then scored a single on the remaining ends to draw the game. on Mat 2, Trevor Shelly, Betty Cox and Bob Patterson lost the first 2 ends to C. Baxter, T. Elliott and J. Fortescue, then took control, with Trevor leading exceptionally well and Betty and Bob playing well too, to win 19-10, Second half on mat 1 Eddie & Joan Costello and Elaine Oatway were 9-4 down after 8 ends to M. Newcombe, C. Fortescue and S.George after very good play from the Bradwell skip getting shots when we were holding 4 or 5. the last 7 ends were won 7-2 thus earning a well deserved draw. Mat 2 saw Muriel Dugdale, Colin Coman and Bob Oatway win against A. Baker, K. Greenacre and M. Harvey 18-6 with Betty Patterson substituting Muriel after 8 ends