Ferret Care & Education

This is the website for the Facebook Group of the same name. 

You can find more info under the links above (drop down and from the landing pages)


~*~Please Read Before Posting. See pic for navigation tips.~*~

Group Rules:


No bashing/ insulting/ being rude to other members (including Moderators & Admin) Inappropriate comments are subject to deletion without warning, and you may also be muted and/ or banned from this group. Refrain from profanity/ vulgar words—this is a family friendly group. Also NO bashing of other groups. If you cannot be kind to others, at least don't hurt them...MOVE ON.

2. No diagnosing or prescribing treatment plans for other person's ferrets (it is unethical to do so unless you are a licensed, practicing veterinarian). Please always consult a vet ASAP in emergency situations BEFORE posting in group. Time is of an essence during emergencies.

3. Blocking a group admin will get you removed (possibly banned) without warning. FB shows admins when they have been blocked by a member.

4. We support a variety of species appropriate diets including: raw/ whole prey/ Frankenprey, rehydrated freeze-dried raw (FDR), and high quality/ appropriate dry food (kibbles/ pellets). NO LIVE FEEDING (constitutes live animals being placed with ferrets for the purpose of the ferrets to hunt and kill the prey). NO RAW/ KIBBLE SHAMING!

5. CROWD FUNDING (GoFundMe etc) will be done on a case by case basis and ONLY if you provide proof of services rendered or a quote from a vet’s office. Message an Admin or Mod (you can message all of us if you like, for quicker response) with your link and PROOF of medical need in the form of a quote or invoice from your vet (with the vet’s contact info) and we will get back to you. Posting unapproved fund-raisers is subject to muting and removal from the group.

6. Please refrain from giving incorrect information based on a google search. Most information found on the internet is not always accurate, you can always suggest, but do not attack each other based on opinions. Doing so will get you removed from group.

7. No rehoming/ or sales posts of any kind. For non-urgent rehoming, please join the dedicated ferret rehoming group “Dookerz 2.0” (Formally Dookerz on the Move) here----> https://www.facebook.com/groups/202549064141746/

***If this is an EMERGENCY rehome situation – there is also the Facebook group “Ferrets Dookin in the USA”. You cannot ask for any rehoming fee in this group as it is only for emergency rehomes. Here is their link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DookinintheUSA/

8. All threads must pertain to ferrets only. Any threads not relating to ferrets will be removed. Also, no pictures/ videos of ferrets interacting with other animal species. We do not allow posts that depict ferrets and other animal species interacting. There are too many risks & safety concerns.

9. Please censor any graphic photos (poop/ pee/ vomit/ blood, dead animals [including dead whole prey for feeding images]) by putting those images into your comments section with a warning at the top of your main post (some members are sensitive to such images and we need to respect their choice to view such content or not).

10. KEEP ADVICE IN THE GROUP AND ON THE POST. Do not ask members to send you a personal message, and do not send other members unsolicited messages.

Please DON'T be a DRAMA LLAMA - avoid posting/ commenting just to create unnecessary drama within the group - we are an EDUCATIONAL group!

Please review our educational documents in our files section for food charts, vetting resources, and other essential care topics.

Our official website: https://sites.google.com/site/ferretcareeducation/home

***Group Established by Lauren Kepler on 11/9/2017***

<----How to navigate our Facebook Group.